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The vicarious Delegation of Rome-New Year’s Holy Mass

The vicarious Delegation of Rome-New Year’s Holy Mass


Rome-10th January 2015. The vicarious Delegation in Rome of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George on the occasion of the New Year planned a Holy Mass attended by Knights and Dames from Rome.

The Holy Mass was conducted by the Very Reverend Monsignor Karel Kasteel, Ecclesiastic Grand  Cross, together with the Reverend Military Chaplain Don Rosario Scibilia in the Memorial Chapel at the Center “Alti Studi della Difesa”-Salviati Palace,   Vice Admiral Rinaldo Veri attending , he is the chairman of CASD and generously hosted the vicarious Delegation of Rome on the occasion of the important liturgical event.

The vicarious Delegate of Rome Marquis Giorgio Mirti della Valle welcomed the Members of the Constantinian Order with the usual wishes for the New Year; he was surrounded by part of the Delegates’ council: the noblemen Fabrizio Ratto-Vaquer, Maurizio Bettoja and Vincenzo Giusti, Earl Vito Garzilli, Lieutenant Colonel Giuseppe De Lorenzo and Commander Arturo Cannavacciuolo.

After the Mass on the same premises a feast was held at Foresteria della Lugara where Knights and Dames from Rome drank a toast to the New Year although everybody was sorry about the hitch that prevented S.A.S. prince Manfred Windisch-Graetz, new Delegate for Rome and Lazio of SMOCGS, from joining them in the beginning of the constantinian activities.

Among the members, the attendance ought to be reported of Admiral Mario Tarabbo,  Earl and Countess Bontemps de Montreuil,  Avv. Figus-Diaz with his wife Donna Paola Naselli dei Duchi di Gela, Don Francesco Marigliano di Caracciolo, Barone Fabrizio di Giura and Baronessa Maria Francesca di Giura Grimani, noblewoman from Veneto, volunteers and friends of the Order.

The vicarious Delegate of Rome, Marquis Mirti della Valle, reminded all the participants of the strong work of the Delegates in 2014 and informed that more and more charity activities would be planned in 2015. In addition, he asked all the volunteers, though they were not members of the Order yet or they were absent, to be available to support people in need in the Urbe with the several charity and aid activities of Rome vicarious Delegation.

The Glorification of the Holy Cross that is the aim of the Constantinian Order of St.George is achieved nowadays  over all through the Christian help to people morally and financially in need as the very Reverends reminded during the Holy Mass.


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Epiphany Day-the delegation of Sicily hands out a lot of presents to children

Epiphany Day-the delegation of Sicily hands out a lot of presents to children

befana 2015 S. Francesco di Paola (1)

Palermo 6th January 2015. On 6th January, Epiphany, the Delegation of Sicily, organized the distribution of presents to children (toys and stockings filled with sweets)

The first distribution occurred at 12a.m. at the church of S .Nicola da Tolentino in Via Maqueda, where about 50 children received the packet from Ms Giovanna Galli who has played the part of Befana for years. The constantinian knights attended the event too and welcomed the children.

In the afternoon at 5p.m. at the church of S. Francesco da Paola a second distribution for 150 children occurred with the cooperation of the constantinian Padri Minimi and the Onlus association “Croce Bianca” with its chairman Pietro Spezia. Padri Minimi are constantinian chaplains and they are:Father Saverio Cento, Father Giorgio Terrasi and father Antonio Porretta.

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Full day for the Delegation of Naples and Campania

Full day for the Delegation of Naples and Campania

scuola materna di Riccia 1

Naples – 9th January 2015. Friday 9th January was a full day for the Delegation of Naples and Campania. In the morning the first “Solidarity Day” was held at the nursery school “Costanza di Chiaromonte” run by the cooperative “Il Ricco”.

The Delegate of Naples and Campania of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St.George Marquis Pierluigi Sanfelice di Bagnoli joined the event in order to confirm the support of the Order to the officially recognized schools that are in straits and he especially thanked the Chairwoman Antonella Rubertucci.

This event witnessed the mobilization of the Knights and the Meritorious Donors of the Order for the 2-6 year old children who were given toys, a toy library, a lot of educational material and more than a hundred bags of sweets with the logo of the Order “the Cross”, all this excited the children. Furthermore, at the entrance of the toy library a stone tablet with the Constantinian Cross was set and was blessed by parson Don Elio De Podo. At the end of the event the Chairwoman Antonella Rubertucci thanked the Order for the offers and fixed the second day of solidarity. The mayor Micaela Fanelli, the members of the local government and the teachers of the school joined the event.

A note of fun was the children’s moving naivety, they heard of the Knights oncoming visit and thought they would meet men with armour and on horseback! At the end of the meeting the children sang the traditional song welcoming the town of Riccia while the Delegate signed the guest book on a precious mid-nineteenth-century find.

Marquis Sanfelice gave great importance to this meaningful visit full of ideas promising developments of this friendship and cooperation.

On 9th January afternoon the marquis Sanfelice di Bagnoli went to Sepino, a town at the borders of Campania invited by the mayor Filomena Zeoli to join the mass conducted by the Archbishop of Lucera, H.E. Francesco Zarillo in honour of the Patron Saint Cristina.

Before the Holy Mass at 4p.m. the “Festa delle Candele” was held with the distribution of the symbolical “Cartoccio”, then at 4.30p.m the authorities were welcomed in the boardroom. St.Cristina’s celebration is a yearly really appreciated event by the inhabitants of Sepino.

On this occasion also the mayors of the surrounding towns meet to celebrate the Saint. The mayors of the union of the towns of Valle del Tammaro with their gonfalons were present that is to say: besides the Mayor Filomena Zeoli- the mayor of Cercemaggiore Vincenza Testa, the mayor of Cercepiccola Michele Simiele, the mayor of San Giuliano del Sannio Angelo Codagnone, the mayor of Mirabello Sannitico Luciano di Biase, the president of Campobasso province Rosario de Matteis and the president of Molise region: Paolo Frattura.




The event was attended also by the representatives of the Order of Malta such as Professor Alberto Bochicchio and Mr Rocco Sileo, of the Holy Sepulchre such as the headmaster Carmine De Camillis, of the Cisom of Matera area, the Bojano military police force commander Michele De Chiara, the commander and the policemen of the police station in Sepino, some rangers of the forestry station, the commander and some traffic wardens from Sepino.

After the Mass a reception was held in the town hall attended by all the guests and the mayor gave the Delegate Marquis Sanfelice a copy of a IV A.C.-century point of a spear from the Samnite age as a memory of the meeting.


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Christmas dinner at the nursing home Balsamo in Monreale

Christmas dinner at the nursing home Balsamo in Monreale

12 ospizio Balsamo

Monreale- December 25, 2014. Another appointment for  the Constantinian Order  confirming the commitment of the Order to help btothers who, for different reasons are in difficult situations.

The appointment at the opera pious Benedetto Balsamao in  Monreale was the occasion for a meeting not only with the guests of a single day, but also with those who give their  contribution 365 days a year.

The meeting was attended by the Archbishop of Monreale HE Monsgnor Michele Pennisi, Constantinian Prior for Sicily, the vicar  delegate of the Order Knight of  grace Antonio di Janni, the vicar of the Archdiocese Monsignor. Antonino Dolce, the pastor of the Cathedral Don Nicola Gaglio, the secretary of the Archibishop  Don Giacomo Sgroi,  the constantinian chaplains , the mayor of Monreale, the lawyer Peter Capizzi,  the councilman Professor Manuela Quadrante, the secretary of the work Dr. Pia. Viola and the constantinian knights DrVincenzo Nuccio, Carmelo Sammarco, Fabrizio Ippoliti and the Lady Prof. Santa Ferlito.

The knights and their constantinian Prior served at the tables the guests of the hospice and then they had lunch with them.

Everything was offered by the delegation Sicily and cooked by the chef of the opera pious Balsamo. In his speech, the Archbishop noted the importance of the Order’s work  and as the Opera pia is a “lung” of humanity for Monreale. The vicar delegate drew the commitment not only for the today’s event but also for the project “New Crumbs of Health” that thanks to the Archbishop and local volunteers has now become an important reference for the many needy families with children from 0 to 36 months.

The Mayor thanked the Archbishop for his passion and commitment in favor not only of the weakest but also for his pastoral activity that is also an incentive for politicians. During the greetings also a nod to the economic difficulties of the structure that are reflected in the lives of people working  there who must be thanked for the passion and love they give to the guests of the hospice and certainly should be supported because the only awards are not enough to live on.

The guests of the rest home have prepared a “Recipes of the Grandmothers” with traditional recipes of the Christmas period as the broccolis in batter, pumpkin  in a sweet and sour sauce, bucatini with broccolis, stuffed artichokes and Sicilian eggplant rolls.

At the end of the meeting the Archbishop and the Mayor accompanied by constantinian knights  and participants have reached the Church of Maria SS. Of agonizing for the last year 2014 distribution of food and aids for infants.

The Constantinian Order seeks to serve the man accordintg to the Gospel every day even if it is difficult; trying  to witness the primacy of God over life and history, of a God who is Love and Charity.

Approching the  Holy Christmas Child Jesus  pushes us  to become ourselves charity, that abundance of love to manifest as peace, forgiveness, and acceptance of all and especially the young, the poor, those who have to struggle to live.



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Spiritual retreat before Christmas  at Patti for the Delegation of Sicily

Spiritual retreat before Christmas at Patti for the Delegation of Sicily

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Patti – December 1, 2014 at the Cathedral of Patti, Monsignor Ignazio Zambito, Bishop of the Diocese of Patti and of Ecclesiastical Grace, celebrated a Pontifical Mass for the knights and ladies of the  Sicilian Delegation of the Constantinian  Order. The Delegation gave the cathedral  as a gift: the “Via Crucis”, a work by  Professor Maria Grazia Di Giorgio from Palermo.

Before the Mass, the bishop presided, for the  Constantinian Knights, a  spiritual retreat as preparation for Christmas, giving everyone as a present a Bible,published by his diocese.

At the end of the Pontifical Mass Don Antonio Morabito was appointed as Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace and the knights Giuseppe Stagno, Natale Modica, Giuseppe Petronaci et Antonio Ciancio D’Arrigo, who were not present in February at the Cathedral of Monreale, have received the diploma of Knight.

Many participants of the Sicilian delegation, led by deputy vicar for Sicily Dr. Antonio di Janni, with constantinian chaplains Don Antonio Cipriano, Archpriest of Caronia and father Mario Savarese of the Fathers Minimi of Milazzo.

There were also many other knights such as Giovanni Bonanno, Franz Riccobono, Saints Legrottaglie, Italian Salvatore, Salvatore Scalzo, Benedetto Salamone, Salvatore Mangione, Emanuele Scarlata, Giuseppe Barca, Vincenzo Nuccio, Carmelo Sammarco, Gasperino Como, Salvatore Romano, Scapati Domenico, Claudio Ragusa Salvatore Orobello, Marcello Canton, Michele Tramontana, Salvatore Favata, Claudio Giuffre, Calogero Di Naro and Lady Santina Ferlito.


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