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Brescia, February 24th, 2023 – Our partnership with the Italian Red Cross continues. The Knight Daniele Gavezzoli donated 2000 surgical masks to the Italian Red Cross – Brescia Committee. Such medical devices, received with joy and gratitude, will be used by the medical personnel of the Italian Red Cross.

Verona, March 18th 2023 – The Knights Luciano Mazzola and Claudio Gaole together with the honoured Giuseppe Lategola and with the meritorious Vincenzo Porzio and Nicola Schiavone, purchased and donated to an elderly person with mobility problems in Verona a motorised armchair with electrical controls.

Mantova, March 18th, 2023 – The Official Knight Maurizio Mirandola, Representative of the city of Mantova, together with the Official Knight Benedetto Magro and the Knight of Merit Fabio Serravalle and the aspiring Knight Stefano Solci, participated in the solemn pontifical ceremony presided by His Excellency the Cardinal Oscar Cantoni, together with the Bishop of Mantova His Excellency Marco Busca and numerous priests and worshippers, on the occasion of the celebration of Saint Anselmo, patron of the city and of the diocese. The highest civil and militar authorities were present at the ceremony.

Nave, March 6th 2023 – The Knight Luciano Mazzolla and the honoured Giuseppe Lategola, Vincenzo Porzio and the meritorious Nicola Schiavone, purchased, donated, and placed a recovered forniture in the noursing home Villafiori in Nave (BS). Forniture destined to elderly guests living in the structure.

Brescia, March 18th 2023 – The fifth expedition organized by the Dame Katia Chiari, President of the Foundation Tanghetti & Chiari Onlus, with the collaboration of the Costantinian Order in favour of Ukranian people is ready to start. A big camion was filled with forniture that will be used for the reconstruction of destroyed houses. Volouteers will also carry fudstuff, clothes, medicines, medical devices and other commodities.

Lumezzane (BS), March 21st 2023. The Knight Romano Savi and the meritorious Francesca Ghidini purchased some foodstuff for the Lumezzane Caritas. Fudstuff was donated by Roberto Zampedri’s Pataro’.

Brescia, March 21st, 2023. With the collaboration of the Cynophile Group of Brescia the Knight Luciano Mazzola purchased and delivered to Parish of Buon Pastore of San Vincenzo pasta and foodstuff for needy people and families.

Brescia, March 21st, 2023. The Colonel Vittorio Fragalà received the Nob. Giuseppe dei Conti Rizzani, Delegate of the Lombardy, with the Prior Arnaldo Morandi and the Official Knight Maurizio Mirandola at the headquarter of the Carabinieri Provincial Command. During the cordial meeting the Delegate awarded the Colonel Fragalà with the diploma of promotion to Official Knight. The Colonel, pleased for the collaborative and friendly atmosphere, claimed to be honoured of the recognition he had received hoping for more initiatives in favour of the territory and needy people.

Brescia, March 22nd 2023. As part of the collection of medicines for the Lebanon emergency organized by the Delegation of Lombardy, and as a response to Father Charbel from the Maronite Fathers congregation, the Knight Father Faustino Pari, Archbishop of the Santa Maria Assunta in Bagnolo Mella Parish, donated to the Prior of Lombardy a lot of pharmaceutical and medical devices.



H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, accompanied by the Vice Delegate of Sicily, Noble Antonio di Janni and by the Referent for the city of Noto Comm. Dr. Marcello Cantone, was received by the new Bishop of Noto Mons. Salvatore Rumeo.

On Sunday 19th of March, Monsignor Salvatore Rumeo, having received the day before the consecration as Bishop of the Diocese, celebrated, as Pastor of the Netina Diocese, his first Holy Mass with a solemn Pontifical in the cathedral of Noto. H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, H.R.H. Princess Anne of Bourbon Two Sicilies, accompanied by Vice Delegate Nob. Dr. Antonio di Janni, Comm. Marcello Cantone, Constantinian Referent for Noto and Nicosia, Comm. Antonio Amato, Referent for Catania and province, Knight Leonardo Mirandola, Referent for Syracuse and a large number of Knights attended the ceremony.

The usual donations of the principals for children of needy families, from zero to three years, of the Project Briciole di Salute were held at various Sicilian towns including Noto, Patti, Carini and S. Martino delle Scale.

On Friday 24th of March, Noble Antonio di Janni and Dame Carmela Di Paola, Referent of the delegation of Cefalù, were received by Mons. Giuseppe Marciante, Bishop of the norman city. During the cordial meeting, the Vice Delegate explained to the Bishop the Project Briciole di Salute that helps children from zero to three years old of needy families. He also asked Mgr. Marciante to be the spiritual guide of the Constantinian Order in his Diocese and to indicate where to carry out charitable activities.

On Thursday 28th of March Noble Antonio di Janni, Noble Manlio Corselli and Dame Carmela Munda have been invited by the Commander of Air Base 37 of the Stormo di Birgi (TP), Colonel Daniele Donati, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Aeronautical Arm. A delegation of the Italian Red Cross guided from the regional Inspector Sister Sally Lacagnina was present. She spoke with the Vice Delegate complimenting for the humanitarian activities carried out by the Sicilian delegation.

The Vice Delegate Noble Antonio di Janni gave to Mons. Gualtiero Isacchi, Archbishop of Monreale, the appointment of Knight Grand Cross of Ecclesiastical Grace on Palm Sunday, immediately after the Solemn Pontifical. The Archbishop accepted with pleasure the appointment and agreed to lead the delegation, within his own Archdiocese, for the works of assistance and charity that the Order has been carrying out for several years.

The ceremony of Palm Sunday was held on 2 April in the Majestic Cathedral of Monreale. The liturgical celebration, presided by Mons. Gualtiero Isacchi, Archbishop of Monreale, began in the churchyard of the Church of San Giuseppe, where the prelate blessed the palms and the olive branches of the many faithful present. Mgr. Isacchi, immediately after the blessing, together with the diocesan Clergy, the Constantinian Knights and the people of God paraded in procession, imitating the entry of Jesus into the City of Jerusalem, through the streets of Monreale leading to the Cathedral. In addition to the Vice Delegate, Knights Vincenzo Nuccio, Manlio Corselli, Antonino Patti, Alberto Marino, Fabio Marino, Gregory Dendramis, Giovanni Impastato, Giovanni Falcone, Rosario Palermo, Giulio Pillitteri, Maurizio Di Stefano as well as Dames Mariella Lo Castro, Carmela Munda and Maria Antonia Spagnolo also took part in the ceremony.



The delegation of Naples and Campania, represented by the Delegate Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo, attended the Lectio Magistralis at the Nunziatella Military School, on the issue of legality with the conference of the Judge of the Constitutional Court Dr. Maria Rosaria San Giorgio, organized by the Kinght and Commander of the Nunziatella Military School Colonel Stellato.

H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies has been named Sister of the Archconfraternity of the Pelligrini, ancient and prestigious Neapolitan Archconfraternity, with a solemn ceremony.
The investiture was celebrated by the Bishop of Teggiano and Policastro Monsignor De Luca. The priest of the Archconfraternity, Dr. Giovanni Cacace, subsequently received the Princess in the hall where the throne of Charles of Bourbon is kept. The Princess was accompanied by the Delegate Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia, by Knight Gianfranco Wurzburger, Knight Giovanni Angelo Marciano and the Regional President of Libera Father Tonino Palmese.

H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, along with the Delegate Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia , participated with great joy as Godmother and President of the Jury in the Carnival Parade organized by the association Asso-Gio-Ca for children helped by the association itself, in particular by Knight Wurzburger, who is very active in the Neapolitan Catholic and social fields.

In memory of the fallen of Gaeta, some Knights of the Delegation Campania including Knight Giancarlo Rinaldi and Knight Lorenzo degli Innocenti participated in the suffrage mass and in the usual ceremony of conmemoration that took place in Gaeta.



Montichiari (Brescia) 20 February 2023 – Knights Stefano Villotta, Nicola and Denis Salvi, Knight Luciano Mazzola, Knight Claudio Gaole and Mr. Nicola Schiavone have acquired and delivered to the community Silenziosi Operai della Croce of Montichiari, to the head Sister Luciana, about a quintal of pasta, for the local canteen’s needs.

Brescia, 15 february 2023. Feast of the Patron Saints Faustino and Giovita.
A group of Knights of the Lombardy’s delegation, composed by Knight of Justice Dr. Paolo dei Marchesi Landriani, Dame Chiara Cotta and by Knight Giuseppe Scolaro, attended the official public celebration presided by the Bishop of Brescia Mons. Pierantonio Tremolada, of the Saint Martyrs Faustino and Giovita, Patrons of the city and of the diocese of Brescia. The highest civil and military authorities as well as many faithful were present at the ceremony,



Livorno, January 27th, 2023 – A representation of the Tuscan delegation composed of Knight Grand Officer of Merit Ezio Papa, of Knight Grand Officer of Merit Andrea Checcucci and of Knight of Merit Federico Taccini, in the presence of the Coordinator of the Tuscan delegation, Knight Grand Officer of Merit Luciano Giannelli, took part in the “Festival of the Vow” in Livorno, as a tradition. The religious ceremony started with the prayer of the Holy Rosary before the image of the Virgin, placed on the front of a building situated in a square opposite the Cathedral. At the end of the ceremony, the firefighters paid tribute to the City by framing the image of Our Lady of Montenero with a wreath. Processionally, the believers, the Civil and Military Authorities, the Priests, the religious and lastly Bishop Simone Giusti, went to the Cathedral for the solemn Eucharistic Concelebration. The Cathedral was crowded with believers; many Lay and Voluntary Associations were present along with representations from the Order of Malta, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem and the C.I.S.O.M.

Lucca, February 4th, 2023 – In the Holy Trinity Church, a representation of Knights and Dames from the delegation commemorated the Liturgical Memorial of Blessed Maria Cristina of Savoy, consort of King Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies, tied to the Lucca territory as Mary Teresa’s sister, Duchess consort of Lucca.

The solemn Eucharistic Concelebration was presidied by the Prior of the Tuscan delegation H.E. Simone Giusti, Bishop of Livorno. The concelebrants were Vice Priors Father Donato Mollica and Father Rodolfo Rossi, Priests Father Cristian Domenico Comini and Father Emanuele Borserini.
The songs that accompained the solemn liturgy were performed by the city choir, directed by Knight of Merit Maestro Silvano Pieruccini. Like every year, by courtesy of Vice Prior Father Rodolfo Rossi, an “ex capillis” relic of the Blessed was displayed on the altar for veneration.

At the end of the Mass, Monsignor Giusti gave a catechesis form the cycle of Formative Lectures “The Mission and Spirituality of the Constantinian Order of St. George in the Contemporary Age.”
Dr. Roberta Baroli, President of the Lucca Association “Convegni di Cultura Maria Cristina di Savoia”, attended the ceremony.

Livorno, 11th February, 2023 – A representation of the delegation, formed by Kinght Grand Officer of Merit Luciano Giannelli, Coordinator of the Tuscan delegation, and by Kinght Grand Officer of Merit Andrea Terreni, took part in the Religious Ceremony for the XXXI Day of the Sick in St. Joseph’s Church inside the Livorno Hospital.
H.E. Monsignor Simone Giusti, Bishop of Livorno and Prior of the delegation, celebrated with Father Stanislaus, a priest from Tanzania, and with canonical Father Placido Bevinetto, Chaplain of the above mentioned Hospital and of the delegation itself.
Numerous believers, doctors and nurses participated, as well as many Volounteer Associations, such as the AVO, Le Misericordie di Livorno, Montenero, Antignat, the Frates Associations and the CISOM.
The songs were perfomed by the Choir of the Seton Parish.

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