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Reggio Calabria, December 2022: fifty hot meals prepared in single portions were donated to parish Caritas of Candelora in Reggio Calabria and will be distributed to the poorest people in the territory.

Reggio Calabria – 09 December 2022. The Calabrian Delegation wanted to focus on the most needy people setting up a donation in favour of the “Piccola Opera Papa Giovanni” Association in Reggio Calabria.
The President of the Association, Dr. Pietro Siclari and the Accountable Dr. Francesca Mallamaci welcomed the Vice Delegate Dr. Aurelio Badolati, accompanied by a group of Knights of the Calabrian Delegation, at the premises of the structure located at Via a Reggio Calabria, where the reception center for mothers and minor children in need is currently located,
With the aim of supporting the necessities of the women and their children, who are guests of the reception center, the Delegation has donated shopping vouchers that can be spent at the Toys Center for the purchase of clothing, food, toys and school supplies.

Sunday 11 of December Dames, Knights, meritorious and Constantinian volunteers of the Calabrian Delegation gathered in Reggio Calabria, at the Candelora’s church, to attend the Eucharistic celebration presided by Vice Prior Father Luigi Cannizzo. At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, the Delegation came together for a fraternal dinner, that allowed the many participants to exchange Christmas greetings.

10 of january 2023, the presentation of the book “Chiesa, Vescovi e Cattedrale di Cosenza. Dalla Controriforma a fine seicento” took place at the Cathedral of Cosenza. The volume, strongly wanted by Mgr. Nole’, Archbishop in the Cosenza /Bisignano’s Diocese, recently died, tells the story of the cosentina’s Diocese, of its bishops, of the city, retracing important steps through the past centuries. The Calabrian Delegation was invited to participate in the event and Cosenza’s city Representative, Knight Giuseppe Spizzirri Marzo, greeted those attending and the organizers of the conference also on behalf of the Delegates by thanking for the attention and praising the initiative.

On January 5th, the Calabrian Delegation, adhering to the service called “Aggiungi un Posto a Tavola” by LIONS club “Polistena Brutium” of Polistena, has donated food to the Assosiation “Il Samaritano” managed by the Santa Maria Vergine of Polistena’s parish.



This past 2nd December the Christmas precept of the Piedmont and Aosta Valley’s Delegation took place in Turin. The Prior of the delegation Mons. Roberto Farinella, Bishop of Biella, celebrated the Holy Mass in the church of San Carlo Borromeo, concelebrated by Father Augusto Piccoli, Vice Prior. The Delegate Count Marco Galateri di Genola, during the religious ceremony, awarded the Gold Medal of merit in memory of Major Giorgio Gonelli, to his daughter Dr. Rita Gonelli. The evening continued at the Society of Whist – Philharmonic Academy with a dinner and its traditional exchange of Christmas greetings.



Wednesday 16th of December in Vienna, the Austria’s Vice Delegate Esq. Dr. Alexander Rudolf Babinek, on the occasion of a private visit at the headquarters of the Delegation for Austria, has handed over to Dr. Norbert Stelzer, the Appointment Diploma of Official Knight of the Royal Order of Francis I, making the most heartfelt congratulations also on behalf of the whole Delegation thus acknowledging the social commitment and the continued support to the activities of the Constantinian Order on behalf of Doctor Stelzer. The upcoming activities and a collaboration on various projects in Austria were presented during the meeting, these will be put in place by the Delegation.

During the Christmas holidays and Epiphany the Delegation’s donations, related to the project “Briciole di Salute”, continued particurarly in the Eisgarn’s Monastery, Lower Austria. The Austria’s Vice Prior Father Andreas Lango and his collaborator of the parish were present at the handover.



Bangkok, 15 December 2022 – The Vice Delegate attended the ‘Christmas Charity Gala Dinner’ organised by the non-profit organisation
‘Thai Italian Chamber of Commerce’, the proceeds of which go towards supporting the “Camillian Home for the Aged” in Nakhon Ratchasima province. The Foundation, established in 1952, supports many areas of healthcare including hospitals, children’s homes and four homes for the aged. This Institution aims to address the above issues by providing a home for the impoverished aged in Korat while attending to their physical, mental, social and spiritual development. In the compound of the “Home For the Aged Ratchasima” there is a coordination office for the whole Thai Northeast Region. Proceeds are also meant to benefit “Sharing for life”foundation, a private charity non-profit organization, registered in 2012 by a group of people who want to live the spirit of merciful love taught by Jesus Christ. The main center office is at the Camillian Pastoral Center-Lat Krabang Bangkok. The Vice Delegate, who was seated next to Father Carlo Velardo, Magistral Chaplain of the Order of Malta- Thailand, had the pleasure to greet H.E. Paolo Dionisi, Italian Ambassador, Mister Andrea Conti, Head of Consular Section at the Italian Embassy, Padre Giovanni Contarini, Founder of “Camillian Home – Thailand”.

Bangkok, 20 December 2022 – The Delegation delivered a special flower arrangement to be presented before the portrait of Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha, aged 44, His Majesty King Rama X’s eldest Daughter, who is being treated at Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital after losing consciousness due to heart problems last Wednesday.The Vice Delegate was in charge of handing over the token of fast recovery and write a well-wishes message, like many Ambassadors, Authorities, politicians and of course the whole Nation are doing. The Princess, a lawyer and former Thai Ambassador to Austria, has always paid attention to people’s well-being, her works aim at easing the people’s plight and bringing happiness to them. She chairs Her own “Princess Pa” Foundation and Bajrakitiyabha runs the “Kamlangjai” or “Inspire” project, which reach out to incarcerated Thai women to prepare them to reenter society upon release. Her Royal Highness is also working on “Enhancing lives of Female Inmates” (ELFI), a project which proposes new rules for the treatment of women prisoners.The Vice Delegate also paid a visit to “Princess Pa” Foundation where portraits, pictures, various products can be purchased, thus funding the Institution, and presented a donation in the name of the “Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies’ Dynastic Orders Delegation to Southeast Asia”, welcomed by the Mister Virachat Kijawatr, Manager.

Bangkok, 14 January 2023 – The Vice Delegate took part in ‘Sawasdee France’, the Embassy of France’s launch of its new cultural programme with an open house at the Residence of the French Ambassador. The programme aims to promote Franco-Thai friendship through arts, food, culture, science, education and language: an immersive visit for all the guests.

Bangkok, 15 January 2023 – The Vice Delegate attended the Pitch@School, second half of the academic year, Final Competition 2022, at Vajiravudh College, a royal college set up by King Rama 6. After His studies at Eaton College, King Vajiravudh returned to Thailand and set up Vajiravudh College boarding school for boys. The Institute is located on the palace grounds. Since 2020, every school term, students from various Thai schools from and around Bangkok have had the chance to learn problem-solving skills, entrepreneurial mindset and practice them in Pitch@School program. 16 teams consisting of Students from 10 participating schools presented their projects to a panel of judges at a live audience. The students have been working on their projects to solve real-world issues in line with Sustainable Development Goals by identifying real problems, researching the issues, finding possible solutions, verifying their findings with the help of coaches and mentors and compiling a pitch presentation on their solutions. Pitch at School Entrepreneurial education programme, founded by Dato Steve Cheah, Commander of the Royal Order of Francis I, is about giving students hands-on experience in solving real-world issues and in the process, students acquire essential life skills that includes critical & analytical thinking, creativity, teamwork and others.



On Thursday 22nd of December, with the approach of Holy Christmas, Dame Nunzia Sannino, accompanied by Knights Luigi de Angelis and Antonello Amaddeo of the delegation of Naples and Campania directed by Marquess Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo, have visited the Inn of Emmaus at the oratory of San Domenico Savio owned by Father Incoronato in Ercolano.
The Emmaus’s Inn and the oratory of San Domenico Savio have been dealing since 2006 with fragile, disadvantaged and disabled children.
The Dame Sannino, the Knight De Angelis and the Knight Amaddeo have donated, with the permission of the delegation, a large collection of teaching materials, stationery and board games for children and young people of the oratory.
The collection was given to Father Incoronato in the presence of the many children, who were very surprised and delighted for the many gifts. Father Incoronato showed the oratory and the entire center to the Knights and the Dame and then thanked the Dame, the Knights and the delegation for the donation they really needed. He invited the delegation to visit the Church of Santa Maria del Pilar of the late ‘600 located in Ercolano as soon as possible.

Salerno, 22nd of December 2022 – An initiative of solidarity has been put in place to reach the needy brothers of the Village of Esteban and its communities located in the city of Salerno. 30 kg of nuggets in 250 g tuft bags and 10 kg of peeled for Christmas lunch in the family home Tamburo di Latta and in the community housing Tana di Dimitri were delivered by the Knights Raffaele Fattopace e Gaetano Locci.
They donated, in addition to foodstuffs, also 30 Epiphany stocking for the children of the village that were delivered on January 6.

Naples, 22nd of December 2022, Castle De Vita.
A donation of toys to several communities of needy children was held during the traditional Christmas lunch organized in collaboration with Anna di Biase and the Sisters of the Convent of Santa Patrizia.
The toys were delivered and distributed by the Delegate, Marquess Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo.

Naples, 27th of December, Victory Cathedral.
On December 27th, as per tradition, the Mass of Suffrage was held in memory of the last King of the Two Sicilies Francis II of Bourbon.
The Mass was organized by the association Il Giglio, in collaboration with the Neo-bourbon movement, under the patronage of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies. The Delegate Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo read a message from H.R.H. the Head of the Royal House and Grand Master, in the presence of the numerous Constantinian Knights.

After the Mass of Suffrage for Francis II, a small auspicious toast was held at the home of Leopoldo and Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo with the participation of the Knights of the delegation who had attended the Mass, together with the representatives of the Giglio Foundation, the representatives of the First Regiment King, and those belonging to the Neo-bourbon mouvement. The Vice Prior and Rector of the Pontifical Catheral of San Francesco di Paola Father Mario Savarese gave a blessing to all those present, recalling the values of charity and solidarity the Order is inspired to.

Salerno, 6th of January 2023. 2023 has started with the spirit of solidarity in Salerno and precisely at the Association Hola Hop in the historic center of Via Trotula de Ruggiero. The delivery of about 40 socks of the Epiphany was activated by the Knights Gaetano Locci and Raffaele Fattopace where partecipated Hon. Piero De Luca, who is particularly active and sensitive towards charity.
The Hon. De Luca complimented the Constantinian Knights stating that the traditions make the spirit of the festivities: even the less fortunate children are entitled to live the magic of Christmas and January 6.

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