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Over the past weeks, the Calabrian Delegation has been involved in organising various events and donations, in particular those held at Mensa dei Poveri “Padre Pio” in Crotone, Gioiosa Jonica, Reggio Calabria, Cosenza and Vibo Valentia.

On the occasion of the feast of St. George Martyr, the Calabrian Delegation has organised solemn Eucharistic Celebrations at the Parish of Santa Maria della Candelora in the historic center of Reggio Calabria, as well as in the Parish of Santa Teresa in Cosenza.



Over the past weeks, the Sicilian Delegation has been constantly working to continue the “Briciole di Salute” project activities, which took place in several cities and places in March and April, including Gibellina in the Community of Piccoli Frati e Piccole Suore di Gesù e Maria, the Real Chiesa Carolina (which received the Gold Medal of Merit by the H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies) in the presence of H.R.H. the Grand Prefect herself; San Martino alle Scale, Magione, San Francesco di Paola, in Acireale, Monreale and Nicosia.

On the occasion of the feast of St. George, the Sicilian Delgation has organized solemn Eucharistic Celebrations at the church of the barrack Generale Antonio Cascino of Palermo, Alcamo, Barrafranca, Messina and Magione.



The Molise Delegation, represented by about twelve new Knights and Dames and coordinanted by the Secretary Commander Giuseppe D’Amico and by the Vice-Delgate Knight Giulio de Jorio Frisari with the Master of ceremonies Knight Francesco Lupo, partecipated in the solemn Holy Friday procession in Campobasso. Before leaving the church of Santa Maria della Croce, planned for 6pm on Friday 29 March, the Commander D’Amico, under the instructions of the Delgate, met Knight Laureti of the Ordine del Santo Sepolcro in a friendly greeting, renovating the feelings of christian esteeme that bind the two Orders of chivalry.
The solemn procession, presided over by Monsignor Biagio Colaianni, the new Bishop of the Campobasso-Boiano diocese, took place through the streets of the city center at the sound of the traditional choir “Teco Vorrei”.

On the occasion of the Ester Precept and the anniversary of the apparitions at the shrine of Addolorata in Castelpetroso, on Saturday, 23 March the solemn ceremony for the investiture of the new Knights took place in the evocative location of the church of San Nicola di Bari in Macchia d’Isernia, at the presence of the Delegate Don Ettore d’Alessandro, Duke of Pescolanciano and his wife, Dame of Justice Donna Brunella Murolo. The religious ceremony was officiated by the parish priest Father Enzo Falasca, who brought to the attendees the fraternal greetings of Father Giuseppe Graziano, chaplain of the Delegation, who was not able to attend, and of H.E.R. Monsignor Giancarlo Maria Bregantini, Archbishop emeritus of Campobasso-Boiano. With the rite of the blessing of the mantle and the oath on the ancient formula of nomination, the Knights invested were:  Bitonti Cesare; D’Aloisio Roberto; D’Andrea Eraldo; Dellegrazie Luigi; De Jorio Frisari Giulio; Di Giuseppe Gabriele; Di Maio Michele; Di Nonno Giuseppe; Di Nunno Dario; Di Paola Cristian; Laureti Marco; Lepore Luca; Palladino Mario; Pica Angelo; Pica Antonio; Sparacino Renato; Tarantino Tonino; as well as: D’Andrea Eraldo; Girella Andrea; Sgamma Matteo; Friolo Pierangelo; De Blasio Giovanni; Diana Alfonso; Cocorocchio Gianluigi. During the ceremony the “Croce pro Ecclesia et Pontefice“, given by the Vatican through Archbishop Bregantini, was delivered to the Delegate d’Alessandro by the Secretary Commander D’Amico. At the end of the ceremony, the Delegation was welcomed at the nearby castle by the Vice-Delegate Giulio De Jorio Frisari for a toast at the presence of some regional television channels, which recorded the news. A breakfast at the local restaurant “Elicriso” followed. Finally, the day ended with a short presentation of the last book by the duosiciliano scholar, Giovanni Pede, called “Dal Macerone a Gaeta” on the Bourbonic military history of the last phase of the Kingdom, with some details on the Molise territory.



Ferrara, Wednesday April 3th, 2024. During the celebration of the Holy Easter, a donation was made in favour of the voluntary association “Servizio Accoglienza alla Vita” – SAV of Ferrara, that assists and helps mothers and families in a difficult situation. The volunteer Walter Chessa, Knight Davide Zamboni, and Knight Antonio Ombra, in coordination with the Reprensentative Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace Father Davide Benini, have donated what they collected in previous weeks: toys, diapers, clothes and childhood products, pasta, canned vegetables, bakery products, milk, sweets, and Easter eggs. We thank the SAV volunteers, who were present at the donation, for the warm welcome and their commitment with those in need.

In occasion of the Holy Easter, the Knights and Dames living in Piacenza met at the centre “Il Samaritano” located in via Giordani, to donate more than one hundred bags (with the logo of the Order), that contained food products for families in a difficult situation. The Vice Delegate Knight Pietro Coppelli intervened, saying that the activity of handing out the bags will be carried out by Caritas, which for many years has made food support a fundamental element of sustain aimed at people and families in difficulty. The Director of the Caritas Diocesana of Piacenza – Boddio, Deacon Mario Idda, together with Doctor Franco Zuccone, Caritas counselor, thanked the Dames and the Knights of Piacenza for their solidarity, that is really appreciated. The Vice Prior of the Order, Reverend Father Stefano Antonelli blessed the bags and said a few prayers together with the Fellow Bothers that attended. The Vice Delegate Knight Pietro Coppelli thanked the Knights, who prepared the bags the night before, and brought the greetings and the wishes of a happy Holy Easter from the Emilia-Romagna Delegate Count Gian Luca Mattioli Belmonte Cima.

Liguria: donation at the French border

Liguria: donation at the French border

For years, the Ligurian Delegation has been donating different kinds of materials to families and individuals living in the Ligurian Coast. From the Taggia area to the French border, some of them manage to find some kind of job in tourism, unfortunately mainly seasonal, or in the floricultural field, but with all kinds of difficulties. Moreover, over the last years, in the area close to the border, the existing logistical structures can no longer cope with the significant migratory flows of non-EU immigrants concentrated there. In the photo, the food donated by the Ligurian Delegation: with Delegate Engineer Giovanni Chersola, there is Architect Davide Gibelli, Mayor of Camporosso, together with Entrepreneur Santo Polimeni and Pietro Tommaso Chersola, both volunteers of the La Collina Verde nel Mediterraneo Association, which has always been sympathetic and close to the charitable activities carried out by the Delegation. The municipality of Camporosso, which is particularly attentive to the various situations of social hardship, has to deal with the significant school drop-out rate of the area, one of the highest in Italy, and with a lack of spaces in which young people can meet and develop their skills.

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