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Campi Bisenzio (FI), 11 November 2023 – The Tuscan Delegation, following the flood that struck the Region between 2 and 4 November, has activated and provided aid to families in difficulty in the area of Campi Bisenzio, city particularly affected by the weather.
Thanks to the generosity and to the action of its Knights, a good amount of food was collected and promptly delivered to Mrs Lucia Nardozza of the Mercy of Campi Bisenzio, at the gym of the Giuseppe Garibaldi school and at the Emil Zatopek center.
This donation was made with the coordination of the Provincial Contact of Florence, Knight Official Francesco Cuffaro, the Provincial Contact of Livorno, Knight Official Ezio Pope, and the Provincial Contact of Pisa, Knight Official Giovanni Merola, as well as with the collaboration of the Knights of Merit Pier Francesco Cellai and Francesco Franco of Florence. The Provincial Contact Person of Pistoia, Knight Official Daniele Romanelli, personally intervened at the site of the disaster for the distribution of food to the population.



On 13 October 2023, the first investiture of the Constantinian Order of Saint George in the Netherlands took place. It was held in the Cathedral Basilica of Haarlem-Amsterdam.
The Grand Chancellor of the Order, His Excellency Prince Francesco Ruspoli, Prince of Cerveteri, the Delegate for the Netherlands, His Excellency Dr. Paulus van Hanswijck de Jonge, the Vice Delegate for the Netherlands Dr. Esq. Otte Strouken and the Dame Veronica Grillo of the Brescia-Bergamo representation were present.
The ceremony, concelebrated by ten priests, was presided over by the Prior of the Constantinian Order in the Netherlands, His Excellency Mgr. Jan Hendriks. The Nunzio Apostolico for the Netherlands, His Excellency Mons. Paul Tschang In Nam, was also present. Ten new knights have been appointed to the Order.
After the investiture there was a reception attended by 130 people, followed by a dinner attended by 70 people.
The delegation in Netherlands has now established an annual agenda for the next activities, as well as the establishment of a website. The next investiture is scheduled for 14 September 2024.



The investiture of new knights and ladies of the Constantinian Order of Saint George took place on 20 October at the Igreja da Memória in Lisbon. Five new knights (one of them an ecclesiastic) and one lady were invested. The ceremony was presided over by the Rev. Fr António Borges, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace, Rector of the Church of Memória, by appointment of The Most Reverend D. Rui Valério, Patriarch of Lisbon and Chief Chaplain of the Portuguese Delegation of the Constantinian Order. The Bronze Medal of Merit was also awarded to the President of Veritas Art Auctioneers for his support of the Constantinian Order project to rebuild houses for needy families in Alcanena.

The Mass was followed by dinner at the Turf Club, and the ceremonies were attended by HH.RR.H: the Duke and Duchess of Bragança, H.H. the Duchess of Coimbra, H.E. the Duke of Coimbra and a representation of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta made up of its Chancellor and Secretary. The dinner was also attended by the President of the Turf Club, D. Luís Folque de Mendoça.



On Saturday, November 11, the Delegation of Molise was invited to participate in the ceremony of oath of the students Carabinieri of the 142° training course at the school Allievi Carabinieri in Campobasso. The Delegate Duke Ettore d’Alessandro di Pescolanciano, assisted by Knight Comm. Giuseppe D’Amico, brought the greetings of H.R.H. the Grand Master, wishing a good job to the many students present, with the hope of being able to reward with a Constantinian honor the next most deserving students. The group of Delegates, with Father Giuseppe Graziano, was so entertained for due thanks with the Commander Legion Allievi Carabinieri, General Division Carlo Cerrina, General Giuseppe Crisà, the Commander Carabinieri school of Campobasso, Col. Bruno Capece and the Provincial Commander, Colonel Luigi Dellegrazie. Formal greetings on behalf of the Order have reached the President of the Molise Region, Dr. Francesco Roberti, and the President of the Regional Council of Molise, Dr.Quintino V.Pallante, and the Senator of the Republic Dr. Costanzo Della Porta, that were all present at the event along with other local authorities. After the military ceremony, the Delegate Duke d’Alessandro was able to visit the new administrative headquarters of the Delegation of Molise, at the “Government Palace” in Piazza Pepe, managed by Comm. D’Amico.



On Tuesday, October 17, at the church of Santa Gemma in Mazara del Vallo, the Solemn Investiture Rite of Colonel Daniele Donati, commander of the military air base of Birgi, took place. The Solemn Investiture was presided over by H.E. Mons. Angelo Giurdanella, Bishop of Mazara del Vallo and Knight Gr. Cr. of Ecclesiastical Grace, in the presence of H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect. Mons. Giurdanella, who got to know Colonel Donati, praised his professionalism and his humanity in commanding a base as important as that of Birgi, especially in this time of world crisis. Immediately after the rite of investiture, H.E. Mgr. Giurdanella presided over a Solemn Pontifical in the presence of many Knights. Concelebrated by Father Gerardo Franco Caruso, pastor of S. Gemma and Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace. At the end of the Solemn Pontifical, immediately after the prayer of the Constantinian Knight, the Vice Delegate of Sicily, Nobile Antonio di Janni, brought to the Bishop the congratulations and thanks for the investiture ceremony, the first in the Diocese of Mazara, from H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, Grand Master and Head of the Royal House. Knight of Justice Marquis Mirti della Valle, Noble Knight of Grace Manlio Corselli, Commendators Michele Salerno and Vito Quattrocchi, Knights Officiers Claudio Ragusa, Baldassare Cacioppo and Antonino Patti, Knights Maurizio Di Stefano, Giuseppe Lipari, Nicola Saladino and Dame Carmela Munda were also present.

Thursday, October 12, at the hall S. Cecilia, the concert of the seventeenth concert season organized by the delegation Sicily was held. The artistic director of the concert seasons, Maestro Alberto Giacchino, thanked both the delegation and the pastor Mons. Salvatore Grimaldi, Comm. of Ecclesiastical Grace. The musicians present were Gianfranco Giordano, Valeria Giordano, Giulia Abbruscato on the piano and Debora Puleo on the violin. Works by Beethoven, Mozart, Bellini and other composers from the 19th century were performed. At the end of the concert Mons. Grimaldi has delivered the certificates of participation to the concert to the musicians.

Friday 13 October has carried out, near the port of Palermo, the inauguration of the new trapezoidal pier restructured. The communal administration of Palermo and to the President of the harbour Authority Dr. Pasqualino Monti wanted to redevelop this area, abandoned after the war, and return it to the city. The inauguration ceremony was held in the presence of the President of the Republic, Prof. Sergio Mattarella, the Minister of Infrastructure and Vice President of the Council of Ministers Matteo Salvini, the President of the Sicily Region Hon. Renato Schifani, the President of the Regional Assembly Hon. Gaetano Galvano, Knight Officer, of H.E. the Prefect Dr. Maria Teresa Cicinotta, Dame Commander, the Commander Mayor of Palermo Prof. Roberto la Galla, the City Council and the civil and military authorities.
The President of the harbour Authority Dr. Pasqualino Monti had the pleasure of inviting to the prestigious inaugural ceremony H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of the Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, and sister of the Head of the Royal House of the Bourbons of the Two Sicilies H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon, Duke of Castro.
The Presence of the Royal Family marks the unbroken bond between the ancient rulers and the City of Palermo, the capital of Sicily.
During the event H.R.H. Princess Beatrice, accompanied by the Vice Delegate of Sicily, Noble Knight of Gr. Cr Antonio di Janni and the Chancellor of the Delegation Knight Off. Claudio Ragusa, had the opportunity to talk with the Deputy Mayor of Palermo and Deputy National Hon. Carolina Varchi, with the Knight Hon Dr. Dario Falsone, Councillor for Demographic Services of the Municipality of Palermo, with Honorable Marco Intravaia, Knight and President of the City Council of Monrale, and Alessandro Aricò, Councillor for Infrastructure Sicilian Region, with the Hon. Francesco Paolo Scarpinato, Councillor for Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity, with the MEP Hon. Giuseppe Milazzo and with the General of Division Maurizio Scardino, Commander of Merit.
Princess Beatrice expressed her pleasure to Noble Mr. Robert Solomon, a member of the Barons of Nicosia, and to Dr. Dario di Vincenzo, whose family owns the Church of San Giorgio in Piana degli Albanesi, for his beautiful work.

Immediately after the Solemn Pontifical, presided by the Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, H.E. Mons. Angelo Giurdanella Knight Gr. Cr. of Ecclesiastical Grace, H.R.H. the Princess Beatrice of Bourbon of the two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, has delivered, together with the new Knight Colonel Donati, to the parish priest of S. Gemma, Father Franco Caruso, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace, in the presence of the Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, Mons. Giurdanella, some garrisons donated by the Sicily delegation. The parish priest thanked the Order for the constant help it provides to the needy people of his parish.

On friday, October 27, at the premises annexed to the Mother Church of Carini, Archdiocese of Monreale, the Vice Delegate Antonio di Janni and Knight Giulio Pilliteri, handed over to the Archpriest of the city, Father Giacomo Sgroi, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace, several principals for early childhood, toys, diapers, shoes and clothing, all new. Ftaher Giacomo warmly thanked the Order for the generous donation received.

On Thursday, October 26, the usual monthly donation to the Benedictine Caritas of the Abbey of S. Martino delle Scale of garrisons for children aged between zero and three years of the project “Briciole di Salute” took place. The Vice Delegate of Sicily gave to the head of the Caritas, Father Bernardo, homogenized diapers and pastina. Immediately after the delivery, the Vice Delegate had a cordial conversation with the Father Abbot, Father Vittorio Rizzone, Knight Grand Officer of Ecclesiastical Grace.

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