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Last 6 August, the Calabria Delegation organized a day in the sign of Faith and Culture in Altomonte (CS). The event, coordinated by Knight of Grace Nob. Roberto Campolongo, began with a visit to the Mother Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione, built by the Sangineto and continued with the visit to the Civic Museum, formerly the Dominican Convent, built by Covella Ruffo in Sanseverino. The walk continued to the Altomonte Castle, also built by the Sanseverino family. The large representation of the Constantinian militia, led by Delegate Comm. of Justice Nob. Gianpietro dei Principi Sanseverino of the Barons of Marcellinara, as well as the Vice Delegate Grand Off. Aurelio Badolati and the representative for the city of Cosenza Noble Knight Giuseppe Spizziri-Marzo, then held a cultural seminar, held inside the council room of the local Municipality. At the end of the symposium, the Delegate, in thanking the Mayor for the welcome received and the speakers for their speeches, announced the organization of a pilgrimage on the “footsteps” of Saint Francis of Paola, patron of Calabria and co-patron of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, whose participants will follow the same path that the Saint did, starting from Paola, reaching Milazzo. Finally, the Altomontese day ended with a moment of prayer at the monastic complex dedicated to the Pauline saint in which a Holy Mass was celebrated by Father Luigi Barbati.

Knight Antonino Rosario Campolo, last 10 August, donated 50 hot meals to the parish Caritas of the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria, which were distributed to the most needy people.

On 17 August, in the charming church dedicated to Saint Nicholas Bishop in Cotronei, the parish priest, Father Francesco Spadola, celebrated the liturgical function, also recalling how it was Monsignor Luigi Mondello, Prior of the Calabria delegation, to entrust him with tasks of great cultural importance, at the time when he was president of the Episcopal Conference of Calabria.
As usual, the religious service was accompanied by a donation of fresh and long-term food and supplies of comfort and basic necessities that were destined for the parish Caritas canteen. At the initiative of the Constantinian representation the Vice Delegate Grand Officer Aurelio Badolati and the Knights of Grace Nicholas and Antonio Oliverio, representative for the city of Crotone were present. The latter addressed a message of thanks to the pastor and the community of the faithful.

On August 17, Knight Giacomo Currò donated food and basic necessities to the Convent dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua, run by the Capuchin Friars of Lauria. The donation will be distributed to the needy of the district. The Convent and its Friars are a point of reference for the local community, since it was founded in 1617. The head of the convent, Father Teodoro Pullez, in thanking the delegation for what has been done, pointed out the numerous emergency situations of the territory. The Delegation, always attentive to requests for help from local ecclesiastical authorities, will engage in new donations in particular in the upper Cosentino in the near future.



On sunday July 23, the feast of San Benedetto was celebratedin the abbey church of San Martino delle Scale.
The solemn liturgy was presided over by H. E. Mons. Rosario Gisana and concelebrated by Father Abbot Vittorio Rizzone.
Before the beginning of the celebration, Father Vittorio Rizzone thanked Mons. Gisana for accepting the invitation to celebrate this important anniversary for the community of San Martino delle Scale.
At the end of the celebration, the Abbot communicated the transfer of the parish Priest Father Francesco La Rocca to Parma as Prior of the Monastery of San Giovanni Evangelista.
Father Francesco greeted the parish community of San Martino and the Mayor of Monreale, Eng. Alberto Arcidiacono, joined the wishes for the new position. The Commander of the Carabinieri of the local station and the Assessor D’Eliseo was present at the celebration.
The function was attended by the Knights of the Constantinian Order led by the Vice Delegate of Sicily, Noble Knight of Grand Cross of Grace Antonio di Janni, the Chancellor of the Delegation of Sicily, Knight Officer Claudio Ragusa, Noble Knight of Grace Manlio Corselli, Commander Vincenzo Nuccio, Knight Giovanni Impastato and the Dames Eugenia d’Alessandro Ferro and Carmela Munda Corselli.
At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, the Fercolo of San Benedetto was brought by the Confraternity of the Sons of San Benedetto and by many faithful through the streets of San Martino.

On Saturday July 22, a solemn Pontifical Mass presided over by H.E. Mons. Giuseppe Sciacca was held in the picturesque setting of the Sanctuary of San Giacomo in the town of Capizzi on the occasion of the feast of San Giacomo.
A medal of the delegation was donated in memory of the visit to Capizzi for San Giacomo by the then Grand Prior, H.E. Cardinal Renato Martino, to the standard of the brotherhood of San Giacomo, Aragonese banner kept inside the Mother Church of Capizzi, which on one side bears the effigies of the Bourbon coat of arms, donated to the city by H.M. King Ferdinand III of Bourbon.
Civil and military Authorities and Venerable Confraternities were present, as well as a Constantinian group of Knights: the Vice Prior of Sicily Commander of Ecclesiastical Grace Don Antonio Cipriano, Archpriest of Capizzi, Don Gaetano Pulvirenti, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace, Knights Luca Longo and Tony Zarrillo.

On August 18, in the Pontifical Cathedral of Santa Maria dell’Elemosina in Biancavilla, the festivities in honor of the titular patron saint began. Before the Eucharistic rite, an internal procession was held with the translation of the Sacred Icon of the Madonna from her Chapel to the high altar.
The celebration was presided over by Rev. Antonio Cipriano, Comm of Ecclesiastical Grace and Vice Prior of Sicily. The Knights of Ecclesiastical Grace Don Agrippino Salerno and Don Gaetano Pulvirenti, Archpriest of the Parish of Santa Lucia in Acicatena, concelebrated. Comm. Marcello Cantone, Referent of the Order for Noto and Nicosia, with the Knights Cosimo Costa, Luca Longo, Sebastiano Giaimi and Marino Luciano were present.

On Saturday, August 5, at the Cathedral of Santa Maria, Mother Church of Alcamo, the priestly ordination of Don Giuseppe Maltese, a member of the Don Orione religious congregation, who will carry out his priestly ministry in the House of Don Orione in Albania, was celebrated.
The solemn liturgy was presided over by H. E. Mons. Giovanni d’Ercole, Bishop Emeritus of Ascoli Piceno. At the liturgy, in addition to the Alcamese Clergy, also some Orionini Priests and Fellow Seminarians were present.
Among the civil authorities the President of the City Council of Alcano and some Councillors, as well as some Knights of the Sicily delegation, led by the Referent for the city of Alcamo, the Noble Commander of Grace Pier Francesco Mistretta Domina, including the Knights Antonio Vitiello and Gaetano di Gaetano, the Medal Lieutenant Vincenzo Baglio of the sixth Regiment Bersaglieri and Dr. Giuseppe Messina were present.



The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, in agreement with the Delegation of Emilia-Romagna, made a donation to the Diocesan Caritas of Cesena-Sarsina, which used the funds to help the population affected by the recent flood.
In fact, there have been many requests for help from many families who have lost everything. This contribution testifies to the closeness of the Diocese of Cesena – Sarsina and the Constantinian Order to the many people affected by this tragedy.
The Director of the Diocesan Caritas, Deacon Ivan Bartoletti Stella, also on behalf of Bishop H.E. Monsignor Douglas Regattieri, thanked the Constantinian Order and H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies, Grand Master and Head of the Royal House for this concrete gesture of solidarity.



On July 28, the Calabria Delegation together with the foundation “Il Giglio” and the Cultural Association “Two Sicilies”, under the patronage of the Municipality of Gioiosa Ionica, organized a conference with the theme “The History of the South, the enterprises of the South”. The cultural assembly took place in the wonderful rooms of the Amaduri Palace of Gioiosa Ionica and, in addition to the institutional greetings of the Mayor Dr. Luca Ritorto and the city councillor with responsibility for culture Dr Lidia Ritorto, began with the intervention of Dr Marina Carrese. The latter, as president of the foundation “Il Giglio”, explained how the foundation, born in 1993 by the interest of a group of scholars and history enthusiasts, has the purpose of defending and enhancing the memory of the Two Sicilies and, more generally, the South. Then it was the turn of Prof. Maria Carmela Spadaro who, in the dual capacity of lecturer in History of Medieval and Modern Law at the Federico II University of Naples and president of the Cultural Association Two Sicilies, recalled some important historical events in the south, linked to the events at the end of the Bourbon monarchy. In particular, she outlined the figure of Francis II, the last King of the Two Sicilies. As a corollary of the cultural event, Dr. Maurizio Dente presented the “comprasud” project, which aims to sensitize the Southerners to choose the products of their land, their banks and their businesses as a means to grow the Southern economy. The meeting was also attended by some members of the Observatory Two Sicilies of Lamezia Terme.

On Friday, July 28, the Calabria Delegation donated food and basic necessities to the Caritas of Gioiosa Ionica. This donation was intended to demonstrate how the Order’s works will remain operational even in this period in which the consequences of loneliness and poverty are accentuated. The choice of the Caritas of Gioiosa Ionica took place because the volunteers, since its foundation, have spent their commitment and energy for the most needy people of the Ionian side of the province of Reggio Calabria, following the motto “giving is loving”. Over time, they have made numerous collections of food, necessities and clothing along with other charities. The donation also honoured the month traditionally dedicated to the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.



The investiture ceremony of the new Knights and Dames and the promotion of other members of the Triveneto delegation took place on Saturday, July 8, in the evocative Basilica of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice.
The high civil and military territorial authorities were present at the Solemn Ceremony presided by the Prior Delegate Father Dom Stefano Visintin Abbot of Praglia and San Giorgio Maggiore, concelebrated by several priests of the Order. For the Municipal Administration the Councillor Francesca Zaccariotto, for the Navy the admiral Andrea Petroni, the Provincial Commander of the Carabinieri Gen. B. Nicola Conforti, the Commander liutenant Colonel Vincenzo Cellammare of the Guardia di Finanza and Representatives of the economic world.
The ceremony was opened by a long procession formed by the new Knights, in dark dress with the cloak on the left arm, by the officers in gala uniform, and by the priests in choral dress, accompanied by the Knights of Ceremonies, by the Knights Delegates of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna and representatives of other Venetian Orders and Confraternities.
On the notes of the “Veni Creator Spiritus”, played by one of the largest and most important organs of Venice, the procession made its entrance from the churchyard through the portal of the Cathedral with the Abbot Dom Stefano Visintin who appealed the Knights according to the rite of investiture after blessing the insignia of the Order, the cloaks and the scrolls.
The new Knights were accompanied by the master of ceremonies Vice Delegate Dr. Lucio Pasqualetto before the Vice Prior to receive the blessing, then before the Delegate of Triveneto Count Roberto dei Baroni Giustiniani to receive the Diploma and then before Dr. Giampaolo Grazian, Secretary General, to receive the Insignia and the Mantle.
These were the new awarded, whose name was marked by the Representative of Venice, the Commander of Justice Prince Giovanni Alliata of Montereale.

Don Nadir Pigato – Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace;
Don Michele de Vita – Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace;
Chiaruttini Paolo – Commander of Merit;
Turkish Celestine – Commander of Merit;
Michelazzo Antonio – Knight Officer of Merit;
Pasqualetto Pietro – Knight Officer of Merit;
Musaragno Michela – Officer Lady of Merit;
Appugliesi Michela – Lady of Merit;
Coin Dimitri – Knight of Merit
Teso Roberto – Knight of Merit
Gualtieri Bruno – Knight of Merit;
Bruzzese Mario – Knight of Merit;
Capuozzo Salvatore – Knight of Merit;
Serio Giorgio – Knight of Merit;
Di Sabatino Giuseppe – Silver Medal of Merit

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