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Presentation of the book: “The long reign – The adventurous life of Frederick III King of Sicily”

Presentation of the book: “The long reign – The adventurous life of Frederick III King of Sicily”

red_cross_tubPalermo – December 5, 2014. As part of the cultural activities promoted by the Delegation of Sicily of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George, aimed at the knowledge of Sicilian history, on 05 December was held in the meeting room of the hotel Joli in Palermo a meeting to  presentat the last book written by the  historian and essayist Pasquale Hamel “THE LONG REIGN -The adventurous life of Frederick III King of Sicily”, Rubettino Publisher, the first book of the  Series Studies and Research “The new Region”, promoted by the deputies of the Sicily Regional Assembly.

A curious and attentive audience was propelled into the  medieval Sicilian climate ranging from 1296 to 1337, an important historical period for  Sicily, but often  understood  and neglected by official historians.

Articulated speeches  especially those of enthusiasts  of Sicilian history such as that Knight  dr. Baldassare Cacioppo, and noble dr. Antonio di Janni,  Knight Gr. Cr. Grace, Delegate Vicar of Sicily of the Constantinian Order, in addition to the author’s speech  prof. Pasquale Hamel, and the final one given by Prof. Francesca Paola Massara, professor of Christian Archaeology and Art History at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Sicily “San Giovanni Evangelista”

The introduction to the work was edited by Cav. Cacioppo, who, through his intervention, enriched by illustrative slides, retraced the actions and constitutional reforms of this great man and great ruler “elected” by the Sicilian Parliament. He “primus inter pares” during his 41 years of government did of  the independence and autonomy of the kingdom of Sicily, born with the Sicilian Vespers, his earthly mission, at the great price to fight against all.

During his speech he  recalled the emeritus Constantinian Knight Prof. Corrado Mirto, university professor and one of the greatest scholars of medieval Sicily, author of  two important historical reconstructions related to the great king of Sicily:: the identification of the tomb in the Catania’s Cathedral  and the reconstruction of the flag of the Kingdom of Sicily .

The delegate Vicar of Sicily, dr. Antonio di Janni, promoter of the event and scholar of the history of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, after noting that the initiative aims to recover the medieval history, an historical period  often forgotten or deliberately omitted, he outlined the figure and the charisma of the King  of the Kingdom of Sicily, who always ruled with the consent and the fidelity of the Sicilian people.

In his speech he pointed out that the Aragonese dynasty, ito which belongs Frederick III, can boast a record in the Sicilian history, in  fact the descendant Alfonso V the Magnanimous, already King of Sicily, after the victory over the Angevins and the conquest of the  Kingdom of Naples, in 1441, he unifies the two Kingdoms and assumes the title of  first King of the Two Sicilies.

The writer, prof. Hamel, in his passionate speech has highlighted the prestigious role of the Kingdom of Sicily in the Mediterranean area and the relations with the Latin Eastern Empire, Byzantine, with the Arabs and the Jews.

He closed his speech by pointing out that King Frederick III is a figure “on which it is loaded the management of the “after Vespers”, the victim of an ideological reading of the history of Sicily, who represented the idea of a Sicilian nation  separated from the rest of the country that could hardly be accepted by the official historiography.

The prejudice  has had a decisive influence on the reading of this historical period and of this King.

The Prof. Francesca Paola Massara, in his closing remarks gave the participants many  important starting points  for a critical reflection, consequential to the reading of the book, on” doing history “,” tell the story “,” make history.”.

She has also  revealed the historical situation of this  period in a parallel comparison with the testimonies of the material culture and the  self-representation datas,  highlighting the suffering of an island devastated by a century of wars and raids to which, even the  conclusion  with  the War of the Vespers, did not bring a final and lasting peace. She continued her speech by praising the actions of the sovereign to support the Franciscan movement of pauperism and the expansion of the orders. Mendicant orders.

The work written by Hantel uses a simple and easy language which requires  proper attention, and  involves the reader, not only making him relive a glorious era of this beautiful Mediterranean island –Sicily- , thanks to the precise chronology of events conducted by this brave knight always ready with sword in hand to defend its autonomy and independence, bit also making us appreciate the human military and political qualities of a character that has meant that the Sicilians would feel proud to be sicilianis.

A character unknown to most people, “King Frederick III of Sicily “, but mentioned by Dante, in the third canto of the Divine Comedy, as “the honor of Cecilia and Aragon “.


Press Release – Lunch for the poor at St. Francis of Paola on the feast of  Saint Lucia

Press Release – Lunch for the poor at St. Francis of Paola on the feast of Saint Lucia

red_cross_tubPalermo – December 13, 2014. As every year, the delegation for  Sicily of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George has organized a lunch for the poors  in the day of Saint Lucia in Palermo in the church of San Francis of  Paola of the friars minimum.

The initiative is part of the project “The hunger of our neighbur” conceived and strongly promoted by H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Master of the Constantinian Order.

This year about 300 meals were served in three shifts, all according to  Palermo’s tradition: arancine, timbale of rice,  potato and cheese flan, also church volunteers have contributed by donating the traditional arancine, For Muslims there was a rice pie cooked without meat or ham. Dessert and fruits have been served at the end of the dinner.

The friars, Father Xavier Cento, the parish priest, Father George Terrasi and Father Antomio Porretta, chaplains of the Constantinian order, along with the knights Antonio Janni, Vincenzo Nuccio, Carmelo Sammarco, Gasperino Como, Salvatore Romano, Salvatore Vassallo, Giovanna Galli and Vincenzo Di Cristina, they all served at the tables helped by volunteers from the parish.

Press Release – December 1, 2014 – Delegation Lombardy –

Press Release – December 1, 2014 – Delegation Lombardy –

red_cross_tubMilan – Monday, December 1, 2014. In the Church of Our Lady of Consolation at the Castle, on the occasion of Christmas, the Prior of the Delegation of Lombardy Archbishop Arnaldo Morandi, the President of the Opera San Francesco, Father Maurizio Annoni and Canon of the Holy Sepulcher Monsignor Pierantonio Bodini have concelebrated the Mass.

Present, along with numerous Knights and Dames, the Grand Prefect Augusto Ruffo di Calabria, the Grand Inquisitor Prince Fabrizio Colonna, the Delegate of Lombardy Count Alessandro di Carpegna Brivio and the representatives of Brescia, Como, Pavia and Lodi.

In the following  convivial meeting, to meet the goal of care of our Order “The hunger of our neighbour” were collected offerings for the Society of St. Francis, the  institution of Milan that helps the needy and provides 3,000 meals a day.

“The hunger of our neighbour” is the  and humanitarian  project that the Order wants to pursue, coordinating all his strength, through the work of all Delegations, in Italy and in all over the world.

Our “neighbour” is to be understood in the evangelical sense of the term,  our “neighbour ” are those persons who live around us in need  and often no one notices their problem.

It’s in fact required to the  Constantinian Knights to contribute to the basic needs of these persons  in deference to the Christian spirit that must inspire every Knight.

Press Release – Presentation of the book :  ” The King. Alfonso of Bourbon, Count of Caserta”. by  Marquis  Gaetano de Felice at the Link Campus University.

Press Release – Presentation of the book : ” The King. Alfonso of Bourbon, Count of Caserta”. by Marquis Gaetano de Felice at the Link Campus University.

Rome – Friday, November 21 at  the Link Campus University in Rome in the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the death of HRH Prince Alfonso of Bourbon, the Delegation of Lazio of the Sacred Military Constantinian  Order of St. George, the Link Campus University and the d’Amico Editore with the patronage of the National Association of Italian Constantinian Knights (chaired by Marquis Don Giuliano Buccino Grimaldi) and the support of the National Association of former students of Nunziatella, organized the presentation of the book  entitled “The King. Alfonso of Bourbon, Count of Caserta” by Marquis Gaetano de Felice.

The book is dedicated to the figure of the Prince progenitor of the current members of the Royal House of the Two Sicilies and edited by Giuseppe Catenacci, passionate bibliophile and Honorary President of the National Association of former students of Nunziatella, and Francesco Maurizio Di Giovine, historian.

The presentation, moderated by dr. Roberto della Rocca, concludes a series of events dedicated to the successors of King Francis II and had as speakers the two authors of the book; Mr. Sevi Scafetta  and Mr. Giovanni Grimaldi.

They were present: H.S.H.Prince Manfredi Windisch-Graetz, Delegate for Rome and   Lazio of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George,  Marquis  Giorgio Mirti della Valle, Vice Delegate for the city of Rome, the lawyer  prof. Franco Ciufo, Vice Delegate for Lazio, ANCCI’s Councillor  and Professor of Law of European Union at the Link Campus University.

Numerous speakers, including the current President of the National Association of former students of Nunziatella Alessandro Ortis,  the Prince Don  Pierluigi Brancia di Apicena and the Vice President of Link Campus University who brought greetings of the Honourable President  Vincenzo Scotti.

The Vice  Delegation  of Rome was also represented by the  Chancellor Fabrizio Ratto-Vaquer and  the Treasurer Antonio Badolati.

Prince Alfonso Maria Giuseppe Alberto of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Count of Caserta (Caserta March 28, 1841- May 26, 1934) was the third son of King Ferdinand II and his second wife Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria.

During the invasion of Garibaldi  he was fighting on the front line alongside  his brothers Francesco and Luigi in the battle which took place between Capua and Gaeta to repel the invading army.

At 7 am on February 14, 1861  the Prince had, along with the last sovereigns of the Two Sicilies, to leave Gaeta and go into exile.

On the death of King Francis in 1894 he became Head of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies taking one the peerage  attributable to the Sovereign, “Duke of Castro”. The title is still used by the current Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Dynastic Orders, H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies.



December 3rd, 2014 – Sicily’s Delegation –

December 3rd, 2014 – Sicily’s Delegation –

CO-Cross-150x150Sicily – Wednesday, December 3, Celebrations of S. Francesco Saverio the Sicily’s Vicar CEO of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George with the Knights Vincenzo Nuccio, Domenico Scapati and Antonio Regina, attended the Holy Mass celebrated by Father Antonio Porretta, Constantine’s chaplain, at the St. Francesco di Paola’s Church. The Constantinian chaplain Father Giorgio Terrasi concelebrated.

The participation of the Constantinian Knights was desired by thr vice provincial of the the Padri Minimi of S. Francesco di Paola, Father Saverio Cento, he is also a Constantine’s chaplain, on the occasion of his name day.

After the religious cerimony, in the sacristy’s halls, has been celebrated Father Saverio with a simple refreshment.

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