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Visit to Palermo

Visit to Palermo









(Palermo). Thursday, November the 20th, at 5 pm at the General Hospital of Palermo, the Sicily Delegation of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George’s – the oldest knights’ order – organized a remarkable event. Once again they play a central role in social initiatives for the wider society and the deprived.
At the presence of HRH the Prince of Bourbon of two Sicilies and the HRM The Princess Maria Carolina di Borbone the Hospital received the Neonatal intensive care Unit. This is a 140 cm lamp on a perch with 6 blue leds and 4 white leds for the newborn visualization, able to grant a radiometric radiation power of 70 cm.
The device is able to convey the therapeutic light between 425 and 475 mm in a directive cone without creating any inconvenient to the surrounding patients or the medical staff.
All the staff responsible of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the Director of the General Hospital attended this ceremony as well as the Doctor Sebastiano Bonventre, Chief Surgeon, Knight of the Costantinian order and Major of the city of Alcamo (TP).


December 8th 2014 Special Day for needy brothers in the city of Rome

December 8th 2014 Special Day for needy brothers in the city of Rome


Rome – Monday 8th December 2014. The Delegation of Rome of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George, on the occasion of the solemn day of the Immaculate Conception, will organize a special day for  citizens in need.

In this occasion, the delegation, will offer a lunch to 500 city inhabitants in need  at the Oblate Sisters of the Sacra Famiglia in Via Carrara 1\3.

 H.S.H. Prince Manfred Windisch-Graetz, who has recently assumed the position of Delegate for Roma and Lazio, will attend the charity lunch to “stay close” to the needy of the City. He will be welcomed by the  Delegate of Rome, Marquis Giorgio Mirti della Valle and by other Councillors of the Delegation.

This initiative is only  a  part of the overall humanitarian project that the Order wants to pursue coordinating all its strength through the action of all delegations, in Italy and all over the world, and directing them towards the realization of this project, entitled “the hunger of our neighbor”.

Our “neighbor” is to be intended in the evangelical sense of the term: a person in need living near us and, very often,  no one notices him.

To the Constantinian Knights is required indeed to contribute to the primary needs of these persons, accordint to the Christian spirit which every Knight must be inspired by.


Grand Master Duke of Castro receives the Companion’s Badge of the League of Mercy

Grand Master Duke of Castro receives the Companion’s Badge of the League of Mercy

The-Companions-Badge-of-the-League-of-Mercy31London – October 2014.
HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro has been awarded the Companion’s Badge of the League of Mercy, in recognition of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George’s voluntary service to wider society in Britain.

The awards ceremony took place at the Claridge’s Hotel in London on 8 October 2014 and was presided over by The Rt Hon the Lord Lingfield, President of the League of Mercy. Among those attending were HE Mr Anthony Bailey, Delegate of Great Britain & Ireland, The Rt Hon Lord Lingfield, Mr Nigel Branson JP, Mr Rupert Pearson and Dr Xhoana Papakostandini, Chancery Assistant.

The Rt Hon Lord Lingfield, President of the League of Mercy said“Your Royal Highness. The Order of Mercy was first founded by Royal Charter of HM Queen Victoria in 1899 to recognise voluntary work in hospitals both at home and in war zones. Its aims broadened in 1999, one hundred years later, to encompass care for the dying, for refugees, the homeless, for children at risk and others in need. One of the Order’s Royal Founders said in 1907: ‘the Order’s work forms a golden chain of sympathy between all sorts and conditions of our people. Everyone will recognise the need for its work for there is ringing in our ears a great cry of suffering, unceasing through the ages, a pleading to which we must not refuse to listen.’

“Its highest award is the Grand Companion of the Order and its Trustees have delegated to me their authority to confer it upon Your Royal Highness today for your exemplary voluntary humanitarian endeavours on behalf of the destitute and needy through the charitable and spiritual mission of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George which you have served and led so extremely well for over thirty years. It is with great pleasure, Your Royal Highness, that I do so now.”

HRH The Duke of Castro also made a short speech during the presentation. “My Lord, Your Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen. In thanking you for your kind words I wanted to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to you, your fellow officers and the League of Mercy for presenting me with the Grand Companion’s Insignia of The Order of Mercy. The League of Mercy was originally created in 1899 for the encouragement and recognition of voluntary work in hospitals and the wider community. The worldwide Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George, of which I have the honour to serve as the 59th Grand Master share with you this central mission. I know that our vibrant Delegation here in Great Britain and Ireland is also very much active in these areas too.The-Companions-Badge-of-the-League-of-Mercy-amended-250x187

My Lord, I am needless to say touched that you and your distinguished charity consider my efforts in the service of our faith and of wider society here in the United Kingdom and elsewhere worthy of this recognition. I accept it this Insignia with much pleasure and in the hope that our two organisations with grow in strength as a result.

My Lord, be assured of my good wishes and prayers as you continue your much needed and valuable work.”

The League of Mercy was founded on 30th of March 1899 by Royal Charter of Queen Victoria. It was instigated by the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII) who became its first Grand President. Subsequently two further Princes of Wales (later George V and Edward VIII) and HRH Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester succeeded him in this office. The League was refounded as a nationwide registered charity in 1999 and now continues the work of the original royal founder. Among other holders of the Companion’s Badge is Delegation member HRH Princess Michael of Kent.

The Duke and Duchess of Castro visiting Portugal (3/4/ 5 July, 2014)

The Duke and Duchess of Castro visiting Portugal (3/4/ 5 July, 2014)

L’investitura a Cavaliere di Gran Croce di Giustizia dell’Ordine Costantiniano di S.A.R. Dom Alfonso Principe di Beira

The Royal Family of Bourbon Two Sicilies visited Portugal last week at the invitation of the Royal House of Braganza. H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House, traveled accompanied by his wife, H.R.H. Princess Camilla, Duchess of Castro, and his two daughters, H.R.H Princess Maria Carolina , Duchess of Palermo and H.R.H. Princess Maria Chiara, Duchess of Capri.

La Famiglia Reale di Borbone delle Due Sicilie con S.A.R. il Duca di Bragança presso il Santuario della B.V.M. di Fatima

The Royal Family of Bourbon Two Sicilies with H.R.H. the Duke of Bragança at the Shrine of the Our Lady of Fatima

Several the reasons for this three-day visit to Portugal, including the participation of the Royal Family to the traditional festivities in honor of the Saint Queen Isabel of Coimbra, along with the Royal House of Bragança.
During a reception at the Duke and Duchess of Bragança’s home in São Pedro de Sintra, the Duke of Castro, 59th Grand Master of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George, has invested H.R.H. Dom Afomso de Bragança, Prince of Beira, as Knight Grand Cross of Justice.

S.A.R. la Duchessa di Castro riceve l'Onorificenza dell'Ordine di Santa Isabel da S.A.R. la Duchessa di Bragança Gran Maestra

H.R.H. the Duchess of Castro receives the honours of the Order of St. Isabel by H.R.H. the Duchess of Bragança, Grand Master.

Highlights of the visit were, in the morning of July 4th the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Fatima, and in the afternoon the Lithurgy Mass of Saint Isabel celebrated in the Convent of Santa Clara in Coimbra, during which H.R.H. the Duchess of Castro received from the Grand Master H.R.H. the Duchess of Braganza the Insigna and Diploma of Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Saint Isabel.
At Fatima, the Royal Family has offered prayers to Our Lady of Fatima at the small Chapel of the Apparitions, and then visited the Royal Lipsanotheca, an exhibition of relics of the Foundation Oureana / D. Manuel II, presented by Mr. Carlos Evaristo, Expert of relics and Chairman of the chapter of the Patrons of the Vatican Museums, with particular emphasis on the relics of the Seers of Fatima, the Sicilian Saints and the Major Relic of the Blessed Maria Cristina, Queen of Naples, recently beatified by Pope Francis.

S.A.R. la Duchessa di Castro dopo aver ricevuto l’Ordine di Santa Isabel con le figlie le LL.AA.RR. Maria Carolina, Duchessa di Palermo e Maria Chiara Duchessa di Capri e le LL.AA.RR. il Principe di Beira e il Duca di Porto

H.R.H. the Duchess of Castro after receiving the Order of Santa Isabel with her daughters T.R.H. Marie Caroline, Duchess of Palermo and Maria Chiara Duchess of Capri and the T.R.H. the Prince of Beira and the Duke of Porto

Together with the Royal Family of Bourbon Two Sicilies in pilgrimage to the Altar of Fatima were H.R.H. Dom Duarte, Duke of Bragança, H.S.H. Prince Peter von Hohenberg, grandson of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, H.S.H. Princess Marie-Therese von Hohenberg, H.E. Mr. Anthony Bailey, Delegate of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George in Great Britain and Irland and Magistral Delegate for Interreligious Relations; the Marquis of Rio Maior, D. João Saldanha Vicente; Dr. Miguel Horte e Costa, Baron of Santa Comba Dão, Delegate of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George in Portugal, Sir Gavyn Arthur, former Lord Mayor of London; Eng.Domingos Patacho of the Royal Association; Dr. José Carlos Ramalho Royal Association of Ribatejo, Dr. Francisco Ramalho, Dr. Alberto Calafato Janelli, Private Secretary to the Duke of Castro and Dr. Carlos Evaristo, who led the visit to the shrine.


La Famiglia Reale di Borbone delle Due Sicilie con S.A.R. il Duca di Bragança e il Dott. Carlos Evaristo con le Reliquie della Lipsanoteca di Ourem tra cui il Busto della Beata Maria Cristina Regina delle Due Sicilie

The Royal Family of Bourbon Two Sicilies with H.R.H. the Duke of Bragança and Dr. Carlos Evaristo with the relics of the Ourem Reliquary including the Bust of Blessed Mary Queen Christina of the Two Sicilies

The day ended with a dinner in honor of the T.R.H. Duke and Duchess of Castro, set in the beautiful surroundings of the Castle Forte da Cruz on the Estoril Coast residence of Dona Diane Barros de Polignac and Dr. Miguel Horte e Costa, Baron of Santa Cumba Dão.


Archbishop Desmond Tutu invested into the Royal Order of Francis I

Archbishop Desmond Tutu invested into the Royal Order of Francis I


June 5, 2014 – Principality of Monaco. Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu, winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1984, received the honor of Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Francis I and the Gold Medal of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George by H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Master of the two Orders.
First Black Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa, and Primate of the Anglican Church in southern Africa, he reached worldwide fame during the eighties as an opponent of Apartheid .
His message of peace and brotherhood is based on the expression he himself coined: ” Rainbow Nation” to describe South Africa. This term, which refers to the ideal of peaceful and harmonious coexistence among different ethnic groups in the country, was later picked up by Nelson Mandela and became part of the national culture of the country.
Ever an active supporter of human rights for his people,he has always used his responsibility as a Pastor in favor of the oppressed. He fought to eradicate poverty, racism and disease.
Among various other international awards he has also received the Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism in 1986; the award “Pacem in Terris” in 1987; the Sydney Peace Prize in 1999; Gandhi Prize for Peace in 2007; the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and the Templeton Prize in 2013. He has written and published several books containing his speeches and statements.
DSC_0994The honor of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilieswas conferred at a ceremony whichtook place at the headquarters of the Automobile Club of Monaco, where various Religious Authorities and Institutions of the Principality were present. In addition to H.R.H. Princess Camilla, accompanying her spouse,the Grand Master, in attendance were also H.E. the Minister of State Michel Roger and other Government Ministers of the Principality; His Grace The Most Rev Mgr. Bernard Barsi, Archbishop of Monaco; Mgr. RenéJuliano, General Vicar for the Diocese; the Director of Judicial Services Mr. Philippe Narmino; H.E.Mr. Hughes Moret, Ambassador of France to Monaco and H.E. Mr. Peter Murphy, Ambassador of the Order of Malta in Monaco. The large audience present was also composed by illustrious personalities from boththe cultural and economic life of the Principality.
During his celebratory speech H.E.MrAnthony Bailey, Delegate for Interreligious Relations of the Dynastic Orders of the Royal House, pointed outthat Archbishop Desmond Tutu has lead an extraordinary life, especially distinguished by his commitment to the defense of human rights and the fight poverty.
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