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December 1st, 2014 Special Day for Novara’s students

December 1st, 2014 Special Day for Novara’s students

CO-Cross-150x150Novara – Monday, December 1st, the Representative of Novara and Verbania, the Knight Andrea Padulazzi gave to the school “Contessa Tornielli Bellini”, high school insitute that gives hospitality to needy students of Novara’s district, a range of musical instruments to develop the project “El sistema” born in Venezuela and promoted in Italy by the unforgettable Maestro Claudio Abbado.

The Institute school in fact about a year ago wanted to join the project “El sistema”, but only thanks to the generosity of the novaresi Knights this project finally realized.

“El sistema” is an ambitious and visionary project, which was born in 1975 from the creativity and determination of the musician Jose Antonio Abreu. It’s been over 30 years since Abreu gathered the first 11 children from the streets of one of the poorest neighborhoods of Caracas, and gave them       an instrument to let them play together in a garage. Today, “El sistema” is a program of free music education, it is a network known around the world and it is a model of social evolution.

The Master Abbado showed in Italy a project inspiring to “El sistema” which apires to rescue the youngest from disadvantaged conditions and social marginality through the teaching of music and the opportunity to place  them in youth orchestras. The music has to become “the red thread through the labyrinth of the suburbs.”

December 1st, 2014 – Sicily’s Delegation –

December 1st, 2014 – Sicily’s Delegation –

CO-Cross-150x150Castelvetrano – Monday, December 1st, 2014. At the Hotel Palace Altea lounges in Castelvetrano (TP) took place a lunch of Sec. AIAS-Onlus organization of Castelvetrano attended by more than 220 people.

The Chairmanship get the Sicily’s delegation Constantinian Knights to be close and support  the foundation.

The Order with his highest representative CEO Dr. Di Gianni, after the prayer and the blessing of the Constantinian chaplain Msgr. Gaspar Tortorici, gave a greetings and handed over to the association chairman Prof. Angela Puleo the commemorative medal of the Centenary Constantinian.

It also handed over a delegation’s certificate of merit to both Prof. Puleo and to Comm. Dr. Elio Zuccarello, who always supported the disabled belonging  to  AIAS-Onlus. The Comm. Zuccarello recalled as always, the Sicily’s delegation, cooperated with AIAS also through the gift, made some years ago, of eight assisted wheelchairs for the disabled of the association.

The Knights attending: Knight Grand Master of Cerimonies Dr. Grace A. Di Janni, Comm. Dr. Elio Zuccarello, (local representative) Dr. Giuseppe Grandinetti, Dr. Michele Salerno, Mr. Centonze Antonino (Councillor com.), Dr. Giuseppe Lipari, Mr. C. Notarianni, the ecclesiastic Knight Msgr. Giovanni Tortorici in addition to meritorious Mr. Pia Messina-Lentini and Dr. Vincenzo di Cristina.

2nd December 2014 – Sicily’s Delegation –

2nd December 2014 – Sicily’s Delegation –

02-12-14 nuove briciole di salute le famiglie che stanno per ricevere i prodotti per i figliMonreale – Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014. In Monreale, on the 2nd of  December, His Excellency Monsignor Archibishop Michele Pennisi, Sicily’s Prior Constantinian, allowed to distribute in the 300’s tower hall close to the Maria SS Agonizzanti’s Church, the foodstuff for the children in between 0 and 3 years old. The food, diapers etc. were purchased by the Knights, the volunteers and the deserving that always help the delegation in this philanthropic’s commitment.

It is important to recall that the initiative is in co-operation with the Archdiocese of Monreale.

Thanks to the volunteers, skilfully directed by Dr. Lia Giangreco and the Knights present, Antonio di Janni, Vincenzo Nuccio, Salvatore Romano, have been helped about 40 families

New Crumbs of Health are a rib of the project “The Hunger of our neighbor,” which is very close to the Grand Master H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro

In the middle of the month there will be a distribution in Piazza Armerina and before the Holy Christmas another in Monreale. “The hunger of our neighbor” is the unitary and humanitarian project that the Order wants to pursue, coordinating all his strength, through the work of all delegations, in Italy and in the world.

Our “neighbor” is to be intended in the evangelical sense of term that is our “neighbor”, who is a  needy one who lives around us and very often no one notices.

To the Constantinian Knights is required indeed to contribute to the basic needs of these needy in accordance to the Christian spirit which every Knight must be inspired by.

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Croce costantinianaLondon – October 2014. During his visit to London, HRH The Duke of Castro and British & Irish Delegate Anthony Bailey paid a home visit to the outgoing Delegate for Poland of the Constantinian Order, HE Count Andrzej Ciechanowiecki and to express their personal thanks for his lifetime commitment in the interests in the Constantinian Order.










(Naples). A great return to Naples on Friday the 21st and Saturday the 22nd of November for HRH the Prince Charles of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies Duke of Castro, Grand Master of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George’s.
Two days full of cultural and humanitarian activities for HRH the Prince Charles of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies and the Costantinian Order.
To welcome him went the Delegate of Naples and the Region Campania for the Order: Don Pierluigi Sanfelice di Bagnoli.
At 6 pm on Friday the 21st of November, the Prince made his way to the Chiesa di Santa Chiara to honor King Francesco II grave. This year will recur the 120th anniversary from his death, occurred in Arco, in Tyrol, on the 27th of December 1894.
On Saturday the 22nd of November, at 11 – His Royal Height met the Colonel Valentino Scotillo, Captain of the Military School “Nunziatella”, which has always been close to the heart of the Royal Bourbon House.
At 11.30 the Prince Charles attended Mass at the Chiesa di San Ferdinando of Palazzo, celebrated with Special Rite by the Rector of the Church – the Grande Reverendo Monsignor Pasquale Silvestri.
His Eminence Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, Gran Prior of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George, took part to the function too.
The humanitarian appointment that saw involved HRH the Prince and Grand Master, together with the Gran Prior Martino and the Delegate Sanfelice took place at the Mensa Caritatevole of the Chiesa di Santa Lucia a Mare.
They visited the premises and they met the poor and people in need that participated to the breakfast organized for them by the Delegation of Naples and Campania.

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