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Delivery of a semi automatic defibrillator for pediatric use.

Delivery of a semi automatic defibrillator for pediatric use.


Novara, December 19, 2014  As Representative for  the Delegation of Novara and Verbania of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George,  Knight Andrea  Padulazzi, offered  to the secondary school Istituto Sacro Cuore  of the Sisters of Charity of Novara, a  semi automatic defibrillator  for pediatric use.





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Torino – Friday, February 13.  there  will be a meeting of the Delegation about the project “The hunger of our neighbour “and it will be possible to sign up to the Pilgrimage to San Francesco’s tomb in Assisi, organized by the Grand Magisterium of the Order which will take place from 8 to 10  May 2015.

For the occasion, our spiritual representative the knight of  Grace Don Diego Maritano will celebrate, at 18.00, a Mass at the Chapel of the Pious Congregation of Bankers and Merchants, remarkable example of Baroque art staged by the Jesuits and inaugurated in 1663, located in Turinm 25 Garibaldi street.



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PALERMO, dicember 18, 2014 – First Regional Conference of studies on dyslexia and teachers The method Crispiani

PALERMO, dicember 18, 2014 – First Regional Conference of studies on dyslexia and teachers The method Crispiani


Palermo – December 18, 2014. The Delegation of Sicily of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George hosted at the Constantinian church of Mary degli Agonizzanti in Monreale near Palermo the first regional conference of studies on “Dyslexia and teachers.”

The organization of such an important event in these our place that we always try to make more and more  accessible to all and for a good cause regardless of the original function of the structure, make us proud.

Today the new cultural challenge is to open to all cases of difficulty, to the special educational needs.

The large presence of the participants shows that a new culture is possible. Approach in many to a such  sensible question as dyslexia and other similar problems is especially important at a time when the city finds the strength and the will to encourage the institutions that, for their part, have the duty to collect emergencies that leave from below. Only with a collaborative relationship between citizens and institutions can begin a process of growth of consciousness and it is possible to fully understand the problems and then try to solve them.

According to the Delegate Prof. Di Janni “this link is essential in a modern society to the expectations of all.” Families, schools and citizens, they all need support, to feel part of a team game. No one is holding the truth and the institutions, when they are wrong, have the duty of self-criticism and to tell the truth.

The growth and development of our Sicily are directly proportional to the ability of citizens to urge the experts and institutions to implement the sentiment, the demands and expectations of the people

And not being  experts we think that the school that welcomes is once again called upon to replace indifference at all levels from the family to the institutions.

Once blind and  deaf people were penalized in the study. Then, little by little we managed to overcome the barriers. Today we see that finally the issue of diversity has been identified and there is a will to overcome it. The right to education must be protected as well as the centrality of the person.

School is becoming more and more  multi-ethnic and multi-cultural: if you do not accept the diversity the teacher’s work will become increasingly difficult.

The school, however, should not be left alone to carry out this task, we must involve the family individually or through organizations  and institutions.

Internationally  renowned professors  as Professor Piero Crispiani, professor of Didactics  and special Pedagogy at the University of Macerata and Professor Franco Biancardi, Professor of pedagogy at the  University Sister Orsola Benincasa of Naples. Moderator Dr. Philip Nobile, clinical  pedagogist.

The prestigious conference was organized by Professor Vincenzo Bussa, clinical pedagogist, esteemed theologian, Constantinian knight, regional representative  of UNIOPED.

At the end of the conference the Constantinia  Knights Antonio di Janni, Vincenzo Nuccio, and Salvatore Romano, have received a certificate of the Italian Pedagogists Union  for their hospitality and to have contributed to the success of the conference

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Press Release  – Donation to needy families of tthe Republic of San Marino

Press Release – Donation to needy families of tthe Republic of San Marino


Villa San Giorgio – December 10, 2014. The Knights and Dames of the Delegation of Emilia Romagna of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order gathered in Villa San Giorgio, office of the Delegation of Emilia Romagna, to load and unload of food donated  by the Delegation from Emilia Romagna to Families in need of the Republic of San Marino.

A  big truck containing food, partly purchased by the Delegation and partly donated by the Knights and volunteers, came specially to Villa San Giorgio from Milan where Knights and Volunteers – Friends of the Order – were waiting for its arrival since the first light of ‘dawn to  tranship on small trucks to go to San Marino.

The  Delegation, led by the Vicar Delegate Count Alessandro Travaglini,  immediately embraced the desires of H.R.H Prince and Grand Master of the Constantinian Order, Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, who, during the meeting last September 13 in Rome, has set an important  object for the Constantinian Order and its Knights: The hunger of our neighbour.

The Delegation of Emilia Romagna, which  on December 15, 2013 had signed a partnership with the Delegations of the Republic of San Marino and the Republic of Malta Order of the Constantinian Order, with great spirit of solidarity, fraternity and friendship, has collected the “request” of the Delegation of the Order of San Marino, led by Noble Dott. Claudio Marciano Scala (who is also representative for the city of Rimini)amd has  immediately been ready to help “our neighbor”.

In fact, the Regency of the Republic of San Marino helps with great efforts and sacrifices families in need and less fortunate of the Republic and, given the previous relationships between the Royal Family, the Republic of San Marino and the Constantinian Order, the Delegation of ‘Emilia Romagna wanted to contribute in a tangible way, directly and immediately, to the needs of those families who can, with this generous help, spend a different Christmas, a better Christmas.

Once the truck loaded, a large group of Knights of the Delegation has gone to S. Marino where – under the guidance of Noble  Dott. Claudio Maria Marciano Scala, which has contributed  to this initiative – has downloaded the truck and prepared gift packs to be  delivered during a ceremony to be held in the next few days in San Marino and which will see the presence of  Delegates of the Order from Emilia Romagna and San Marino – Count Alessandro Travaglini and Noble. dr. Claudio Marciano Scala – and the Regent Captains; ceremony to be attended by the Knights of the Order, the local Caritas, civil and military authorities.


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Press Release – Milazzo – Dedication of Via General Ferdinand Benevento del Bosco

Press Release – Milazzo – Dedication of Via General Ferdinand Benevento del Bosco

red_cross_tubMilazzo – December 12, 2014. An arduous battle. A great victory. So you could sum up the laborious affair that was successfully concluded with the naming of a street in Milazzo to General  Ferdinand Beneventano del Bosco.

In July 20, 1860, he covered the rank of Colonel of the army of the Two Sicilies and was stationed in Milazzo with his troops. He was one of the few  officers who did not put on sale their loyalty to the King, but he fought valiantly and with honor, though unsuccessfully, to repel the advance of Garibaldi.

Though almost 154 years have elapsed  in Milazzo the conflict seems to be still open, for this reason the process leading  to the dedication of the street  to Ferdinado  Beneventano was full of obstacles and not without pitfalls and difficulties of all kinds. As creator and supporter of the project, I had to lead a true cultural battle, often degenerated into a guerrilla warfare, made up of many harsh and intense combats with those who, in the wake of the mystification of the Risorgimento, are still deployed in defense of the fableof  the blond haired hero come to make the island free.

To participate to the dedication ceremony of the street to General Ferdinand Beneventano del Bosco has been a sorce fo deep pride and ineffable satisfaction, a sort of great and unique moral revenge, as this is the way that leads to the Castle of Milazzo, the same way that Colonel descended walking  between the  Garibaldini’s  mockeries on July 26, 1860, having been treated the surrender of the fort to which  Clary didn’t want to sendr  reinforcements from Messina.

At the event that took place  on 12  December in the presence of civil and military authorities, were present  the direct descendants of the intrepid officer, Baron Hector Beneventano del Bosco and Baron Pietro Beneventano del Bosco, who had been the guest of honor at the Historical  Conference  “Conversing with Beneventano del Bosco”, held on the initiative and care of myself last year in the Old Cathedral of the Castle.

Among the guests of honor could not miss the Sicilian Delegation of the Sacred Constantinian Order of St. George, in the person of  Noble  Knight Vicar delegate Antonio di  Janni, Knight Gr. Cr. Grace, who also represented the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies. Father Mario Savarese, Ecclesiastical  Grace Knight  blessed the dedicatory plaque,surrounded by the Constantinian Knights Salvatore Italiano, Giovanni Bonanno coordinator of Messina and its province, Joseph Matranga, Franz Riccobono, Manlio Corselli,  Lady Carmela Munda and numerous Benemerenti.

The ambitious project just released by the Costantinian Representative  of Milazzo fits well, in fact, among the numerous initiatives of the Delegation of Sicily, which is known for its  great dedication to the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies, and which  is a milestone in the path of recovery identity of the  duo Sicilian,  trampled and scorned for over a century and a half because of  the Risorgimento’s mystifications.

Giving to the Mayor a valuable commemorative medal of the Order, the Noble Dr. Antonio di Janni congratulated the City Council, which, by resolution of the dedication, “intended to perform an act of justice and historical truth” as stated by the First Citizen.

Deep emotion and  gratitude were the sentiments expressed by the Baron Peter Beneventano del Bosco, who   thanked  the First citizen,  Prof. Italian and theVicar Delegate of the Constantinian Order for “the wonderful work of development and promotion of our history, and our heritage, for an initiative of great importance in the process of pacification post-unification. ”

In support of the resolution with which the Mayor of Mr. Milazzo. Lawyer Carmelo Pino titled the street, it was required to the  Knight Salvatore Italiano to draft a brief biography of Benevento, including the reasons in support of the decision.

The text, which was read during  the dedication ceremony, is as follows: “General Ferdinand Beneventano del Bosco (Palermo, March 3, 1813 – Naples, January 8, 1881). Born in Palermo by a  Sicilian noble family originally from Syracuse, still adolescence moved to Naples, where he entered the Military College of Nunziatella. There he met Stefano Zirilli from Milazzo who became his dear friend and with whom he had to  tress deal in 1860, during the siege of the fort of Milazzo by Garibaldi.

After the  graduation from the military school Benevento entered the army with the rank of second lieutenant in the Grenadier Guards. Immediately proved to have all the qualities necessary for a good military and in 1848 he was promoted to the rank of Captain, he distinguished by his value during the campaign of  Sicily that year, and during the siege of Messina,  when he was also wounded.

His skills and zeal efforts in fulfilling the duty  allowed him to be decorated by Ferdinand II with the gold medal of the first class and awarded with the honors of St. Ferdinand and of St. George.

His attachment to the army was genuine and generous and brought him to have great respect for each military, so much so that in 1857 he called for the abolition of corporal punishment for soldiers.

In 1857 he was temporarily transferred to Sicily, and the following year, with the promotion to major, he was assigned to the command of the 9th battalion, stationed in Monreale. Here on April 6, 1860 he rejected the first attacks of the insurgents, on April 12 he resisted a new assault and successfully counterattacked near Carini.

After the landing of Garibaldi and the first defeat of the Bourbon at Calatafimi, Benevento was at the forefront together with the Swiss Colonel Von Mechel  attacking the vanguard that pointed to Palermo, where on May 30 he attempted an assault against the first barricades in the city already occupied, but was immediately dampened by the news of the truce requested by Lanza to Garibaldi.

On June 10, Benevento was promoted to colonel, and soon after embarked with his soldiers to Messina, where in mid-July the general Clary send him to guard the fort of Milazzo with three battalions. On July 20, he gave battle to Medici in the  Milazzo plain and, after a brave resistance, he was forced to withdraw in the fort, where he asked in vain reinforcements to Clary. On the 23 an officer arrived from Naples to negotiated the surrender of the fort with the partisans.

Benevento wen out from Milazzo taunted and insulted his enemies and with his troops he embarked to Naples. Here he got his third promotion in a few months, achieving the rank of Brigadier General. His commitment, fully shared by the Sovereign Francis II, was to avoid unnecessary bloodshed battles with unproductive results and ensure that the population defenceless  had not to endure unjust suffering because of the ongoing military maneuvers.  He convinced Francis II of the futility to head the army and led him not to resist the partisans advancing, until the decision to retire in Gaeta.

In the last fortress of the Bourbon Benevento led a strenuous but unsuccessful defense, until the surrender to the troops of Cialdini. After the capitulation he followed his king in exile in Rome, refusing to join the army of Savoy with the same degree.

Ferdinand Beneventano del Bosco is still remembered in Milazzo for being the Commander of the Bourbon garrison stationed at the Castle of Milazzo during the events of July 20, 1860.

Studies in the purest bibliographic tradition  describe him  as skilful and upright official, who, while fulfilling faithfully to his office to deal with the advance of Garibaldi, he had the highest regard for the City of Milazzo and for his people, he avoided any action that could damage or cause civilian victims, and also demonstrated gentleness and magnanimity towards the same revolutionary committees present in the city. He distinguished himself for his heroic conduct in combat, for the loyalty to his sovereign and the high sense of justice and duty, that animated all his  actions.

His attitude is still clear example of high ideals: service to the country, respect for the community, passion for the  profession, his intellectual honesty, upright soul and  the spirit of self-denial and self-sacrifice. ”

After the ceremony the Mayor accompanied the attendees to  visit the fortress of Milazzo.


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