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Covid-19: a donation from the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus to the new intensive care unit of the Hospital Cotugno in Naples

Covid-19: a donation from the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus to the new intensive care unit of the Hospital Cotugno in Naples

H.R.H. Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies: “we are supporting a hospital which is on the front line in the fight against this health emergency and has highlighted the Neapolitan talents and professionalism throughout the world”

Naples, April 20th, 2020 – “The feeling of affection we have for the city of Naples has concretely reflected in the campaign to support hospitals launched on through a donation in favour of the Hospital Cotugno which, being on the front line against this health emergency, has once again highlighted Neapolitan talents and professionalism worldwide” – declared Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies on the occasion of the donation of 50.000 Euros from the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus to the hospital Cotugno. “We hope we will be able to intervene again to meet the doctors’ needs and our donation, in this second phase of the epidemic, will help creating 4 beds in the intensive care unit dedicated to Covid-19 patients at the section G the hospital”– explains Prince Charles, founder of the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus.

“According to the terrible situation that hospitals had to face in northern Italy, the hospital’s strategic management immediately realized that the problem was severe. It was therefore necessary to act quickly to mitigate its effects and avoid the use of intensive therapy”– said Maurizio di Mauro, General Director of the hospital and Giovanni De Masi, Administrative Director of the hospital, who stress: “This approach has had clear results, as evidenced by the figures we have recorded to date”. “The donation received from the Constantinian Order, as well as the others we had received, will allow us to begin the construction of the new Intensive Therapy unit dedicated to patients affected by Covid-19 at the section G of the hospital Cotugno which is now mainly used for sub-intensive therapy and this will also allow us to take care of patients who suffer from other serious infectious diseases such as meningitis, tuberculosis, etc.“.



On April 10th, Good Friday, the commander of the Carabinieri in Grottole, Mr. Claudio Colucci, who was already given a medal of merit of the Order, decided to promote a fundraising campaign among the policemen of the station, to allow the purchase of Easter eggs that will be offered to needy children of the community. This is another sign of closeness and concrete commitment from the members of the Constantinian Order towards the needy.

The current government regulations have increased requests for assistance to all those structures in Catania which support the needy people of the city. For this reason, Massimo Putrino, Giuseppe Longo, Salvatore Dell’Aria and Antonino Amato distributed food to the Missionary Sisters of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who serve hot meals to the needy and to the Vincentian Sisters, who help several families in difficulty.

On April 11st, the vice delegate handed over many products (diapers, homogenized products, canned tomatoes) to Father Vittorio Rizzone and to Father Giuseppe La Rocca. These products will be distributed to needy families. Several protective masks were also delivered.

On April 15th the vice delegate accepted the request for help from the parish priest Francesco Di Pasquale by offering him some products of the project “Briciole di Salute”. Homogenized, baby pasta, diapers and some candies were delivered at the Church of Saint Anthony, located in Palermo.

On April 20th the vice delegate and Mr. Vincenzo Nuccio delivered around fifty washable and reusable masks to Father Saverio Maria Cento.



The representation of Monza Brianza ensured the collection of more than 300 kg. of food that will be offered to the Caritas of Seregno to meet the citizens’ needs.

The Representations of Lecco and Como collected and supplied a ton of legumes to the San Vincenzo di Trezzo and to the Department of Social Workers of Merate-Lecco to support the neediest families.

Covid-19: Donations by the Constantinian Order Charity to Support Three Sicilian Hospitals

Covid-19: Donations by the Constantinian Order Charity to Support Three Sicilian Hospitals

April 9th, 2020. The charitable non-profit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George was begun with the goal of public assistance and social solidarity, particularly through charitable works and hospital aid. It decided to assist three important hospitals in Sicily. “Thanks to the donations made to the campaign on, we decided to help hospitals in the most critical areas of the country to fight this health emergency, and chose to assist by distributing five (5) portable ventilators and providing 52,000 euros to support three different hospitals on the frontline of this health emergency” explained H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies. He explained that “the Civic Hospital of Partinico, an institution rededicated entirely to the Covid-19 emergency covers a vast area of territory near Palermo, Cannizzaro Hospital in Catania is located in the Island’s province with the highest number of cases, and Acireale’s Saints Marta and Venera Hospital special rehabilitative odontology department needed new human resources in order to continue providing assistance to people with disabilities.”

“Our commitment continues with determination, because there are numerous requests for assistance to which we can respond only by gathering more resources,” explained Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies who added: “I hope that our contribution can help in leaving an overall improvement in the functioning of the hospitals with respect to the needs of the people. The goal is to be able to intervene again in the future, to support the needs of healthcare workers.

We are grateful for the generous donation which represents a tangible sign of the great attention shown to a hospital involved on the frontline of the fight against the coronavirus” stated Dr. Daniela Faraoni, general director of the Provincial Health Authority of Palermo. “I thank the Constantinian Order Charity non-profit for their sensitivity and spirit of sharing shown during a time in which collaboration, unity and the greatest attention are the instruments with which the entire community possesses to defeat an invisible and devious enemy. The donation will serve to further enrich the technological equipment of Partinico’s Covid hospital, providing further, more-qualified instruments in the diagnosis and care of positive cases.”

Echoing her, Dr. Giuseppe Di Bella, administrative director of Acireale’s Hospital (under the Provincial Health Authority of Catania) said “I hold that gratitude is a significant feeling, part of human dignity which naturally joins itself to an act of generosity. Because of this, I am happy to give proper recognition to the donation made by the Constantinian Order Charity non-profit toward the work of the special rehabilitative odontology department directed by Dr. Francesco Spampinato, a confirmation of your institute’s attention to the most fragile components of society. At this time, which sees our national healthcare system deployed in protecting the community, every gesture of esteem and trust cannot but strengthen the sacrifice of our healthcare workers.”

Dr. Salvatore Giuffrida, general director of Catania’s Cannizzaro Hospital explained: “Cannizzaro Hospital in Catania has been on the frontline of this epidemic emergency since the beginning. It has dedicated the entire infectious disease department to those sick with Covid-19, outfitting it for isolation. A special section was created through the modification of the internal medicine and oncology operating units, and seven stations for negative pressure in intensive care. Another area is being set up within the operative group, to house critical patients who after having been extubated, still need intensive care before being transferred to a regular unit. There have been fifty patients at Cannizzaro Hospital because of coronavirus so far. There have been over twenty discharges of cured people, who have either gone home or to a location established by the Provincial Health Authority of Catania, accommodating those who have to observe an isolation period.”



On April 8th, H.E. Mgr Michele Pennisi, Archbishop of Monreale and Prior of Sicily, offered many Easter eggs and other food for children at the premises of the church Maria SS degli Agonizzanti. The High Prelate personally distributed these products with the help of the vice delegate and volunteers Lia Giangreco and Sonia Lo Monaco.

The distribution of products, which is part of the project Briciole di Salute, took place on April 9th at the church S. Stefano in Piazza Armerina. Mr. Marco Milazzo gave these products for children to Father Dario Pavone.

Mr. Giuseppe Blasini delivered to the vice delegate 408 homogenized, hand sanitizers and two electronic thermometers. These products will be delivered during the next distributions.

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