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The Liguria Delegation is always committed to address the needs of families and individuals of Genoa old town and the west side of Genoa in poor economic conditions, by sending gift packages. The Missionary Sisters of Mother Teresa of Calcutta in Prà district of Genoa represent an important community, well established in the territory, which daily opens a canteen, and which is increasingly visited by poor people. The Delegation is committed to participate to this form of charity, by providing immediately edible or canned food products, or other goods for the welcomed mothers and sons. A visit was carried out by the Delegate and the Knights Antonio Esposito and Gerard Deiss, accompanied by parish priest Carlo Migliori.



Some Knights belonging to the Delegation of Naples and Campania have donated to Nola Caritas and especially to the “Istituto del Fanciullo di Visciano” the following products:

1 – 350 kg. of pasta
2 – 300 kg. of canned tomatoes
3 – 300 lt. of tomato sauce
4 – 100 lt. of olive oil
5 – 100 lt. of sunflower oil
6 – 200 lt. of whole milk
7 – 30 kg of sugar
8 – 50 packets of rusks
9 – 10 Nutella jars
10 – 120 pairs of trainers

A special thank you to Knights Vincenzo Puglia, Felice Marciano, Raffaele Menzione, Giuseppe Pirozzi, Domenico Cuozzo, Comm. Angelo Giovanni Marciano, General Paolo Borrelli and to Dr. Carmine Beneduce, who dressed up as Santa Claus for the whole 22nd December night.



On the initiative of Knight Grand Officer Alcibiade Jula and Dame Maristella D’Alessandro, Radiology center Jula in Scanzano Jonico (Matera, Basilicata) organized a supply of 150 long-life food packages for parish churches to be distributed to needy families. The churches of Pisticci, Marconia, Tinchi, Bernalda, Scanzano, Policoro, Salandra, Montalbano and the kindergarten of Bianca Fiora di Pisticci supervised by the order of nuns Suore Adoratrici della Santa Croce based in the Generalate House of Casoria (Naples).

The event was sponsored by the Lucanian Delegation of the Order.



Vibo Valentia, Calabria.

On Tuesday, December the 19th, the chaplain of Vibo Valentia Monsignor Filippo Ramondino held the Holy Mass in preparation for Christmas at the church of Mary Most Holy of the Rosary and Saint John Baptist.

During the celebration, the commemoration of the dear departed brother Noble Knight Giuseppe Spizzirri Marzo, representing the city of Cosenza, was also held. His noble origins and fortitude were remarked, for they allowed his strong engagement to stand out amongst the Delegation initiatives.

On Friday, December the 15th, the Delegation celebrated the Holy Mass in memory of the Noble Knight Doc. Giuseppe Spizzirri Marzo, representing the city of Cosenza, prematurely passed away on December the 9th.

The commemoration was held at the Holy Mary of Candelora Parish located in the old town of Reggio Calabria and was officiated by the Prior Vicar of the Delegation, Monsignor Luigi Cannizzo.

The celebration, which was attended by many Knights and Dames, was closed with the Prayer of the Constantinian Knight, read by the Vice Delegate, the Great Officer Doc. Aurelio Bandolati.

Last December the 7th in Reggio Calabria, upon the invitation of Sister Rosanna Sicoli, Regional Inspector of the Calabria Mobility Center – Italian Red Cross Unit of Volunteer Nurses -, the Delegation participated in the ceremony for the anniversary of the Italian Red Cross Unit of Voluteer Nurses establishment.

The National Inspector Sister Emilia Bruna Scarcella also participated in the event.

Last December the 27th, the Delegation Calabria, along with the Cultural Association Due Sicilie of Gioiosa Ionica (Reggio Calabria), commemorated Francis II of the Two Sicilies, the last Bourbon sovereign of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, the same day of his passing in Arco di Trento back in 1894. In order to highlight his role, both cultural and religious initiatives were taken; a book regarding the history of the Two Sicilies was presented and a commemorative Mass was held. The book was displayed by the President of the Due Sicilie Association Professor Mariolina Spataro, who also curated the preface, and Professor Nicola La Barbera, one of the authors.

At the end of the presentation, the participants moved to the church of Saint Rocco where the Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace Father Nicola Commisso Meleca officiated the Eucharist in memory of Francis II.



Corte Franca (Brescia) 27th November 2023
Iseo (Brescia) 7th December 2023

Through the organization of a charity event, Knight Giuseppe Scolaro was able to acquire a significant quantity of goods of first necessity and personal hygiene products such as: sugar, extra virgin oil, seed oil, milk, grana padano, tuna, diapers, soap, detergent and many others. A large amount of these products was then donated to the parish Caritas of Corte Franca and Iseo. Father Francesco Gasparotti, pastor of Corte Franca, along with Father Francesco Zaniboni, pastor of Iseo, expressed sincere gratitude for the Delegation’s work of charity.

Brescia, 28th December 2023.
Knight Pietro Santacroce acquired many essential goods for needy families, which were then donated to Sister Paola, responsible for the Casa Gabriella Project of the Handmaids of Charity Nuns.

Mantua, 29th December 2023.
It was an intense morning for the Representative of Mantua Knight Officer Maurizio Mirandola, who dealt with merit diplomas awarding, followed by the greeting of His Excellency Monsignor Marco Busca, Bishop of Mantua.
The first meeting took place in the Council Hall of the Municipality of Mantua in the presence of local journalists. There, the Representative proceeded to give news about the Constantinian Order and listed its yearly activities, before awarding Doctor Massimo Allegretti, President of the Municipality Council, Doctor Roberto Mambrini, Doctor Corrado Andreani and Professor Roberto Archi of merit diplomas.

Later on, the large group – furtherly composed of Knight Andrea Moretti, Postulant Stefano Solci and Knight Lawyer Paolo Vandelli Bulgarelli of the Mantua Representation – was greeted by His Excellency Monsignor Marco Busca, Bishop of Mantua. The Representative communicated to H.E. Mons. Busca that the Delegation once again bestowed a donation for works of charity and remarked his complete personal availability to H.E. Lastly, he submitted the annual report of the conducted support activities. The Bishop thanked the participants and the members of the Costantinian Order for their work.

Lumezzane (Brescia) 2nd of January 2024
Knight Romano Savi and Honored Francesca Ghidini acquired and donated many hygiene products for needy senior citizens and families to the parish Caritas of Lumezzane, headed by Father Michele Tognazzi.

Brescia, 1st January 2024
For the beginning of the new year, the Knights and Dames of Lombardy Delegation hosted the traditional New Year’s Eve lunch for the guests of the charity kitchen Menni of the diocesan Caritas of Brescia. Members of the Representation such as Knight Luciano Mazzola, Giuseppe Navoni and his wife, Fabio Serravalle and Mario Fortunato lended a hand to the Caritas volunteers.

Brescia, 2nd of January 2024.
Thanks to the mediation of Father Faustino Pari, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace and pastor of Bagnolo Mella, Lombardy Delegation was able to collect drugs for the medical emergency in Lebanon through the Association 29 Maggio of Ghedi (Brescia), which donated two pallets of medicines to the coordinator Father Charbel.

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